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Ask These 7 Questions Before Picking a Drug Rehab

When you make the decision to go to drug rehab, you’re devoting your time, money, and trust into the addiction treatment center, so you need to make sure it’s worth it. To know if you’re choosing the right facility, be sure to ask these seven questions before making the final decision about where to get your drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

If you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol and looking for a rehab center that can meet your needs, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today to talk to an addiction specialist about your treatment options.

How Much Does It Cost?

Your addiction may be costing you your life, but that doesn’t mean you can drop a fortune when it comes to going to drug rehab. Knowing the cost of the your treatment, as well as if there are payment plans or financing options can have a huge impact on what drug rehab you choose.

Is Insurance Accepted?

Picking a Drug Rehab

You should ask how much a rehab will cost, and whether they take your insurance.

You may be surprised at the amount of drug rehabs that accept health insurance, including private insurance and Medicaid. Even if the treatment center only accepts partial insurance payment, it will still save you a few bucks or maybe allow you to stay a week longer than you expected.

What Is the Average Length of Stay?

Many drug treatment centers offer different lengths of stay from 14 days to six months.

Knowing what the average length of time that individuals stay at that rehab center gives you an idea of the programing and if it fits your needs.

What Kind of Amenities Are Offered?

While you’re at drug rehab to get sober, it doesn’t mean you don’t necessarily want some extras. Knowing if there’s a workout facility or a swimming pool may not make a difference to your recovery, but it may give you the opportunity to enjoy your hobbies while in treatment.

Are There Detox Facilities?

Depending on the drugs you’re taking and the severity of your use, you may need detox before entering the treatment aspect of a drug rehab. Knowing if the facility you’re looking at offers detox can make a difference if it’s the right treatment center for you.

What Kind of Accreditation Does the Facility Have?

Drug rehabs, like other health and mental health facilities, get approval from certain accreditation organizations. Look for names like the Joint Commission or the National Committee for Quality Assurance before deciding where to go for drug treatment.

What Are the Staff’s Credentials?

Different rehab centers have different requirements for their counseling staff. Some require licensed therapists while others may accept counselors with just a bachelor’s degree. While either option is fine, it’s important to know what the credentials of the staff are before deciding on which addiction treatment center is right for you.

Are You Ready for Rehab?

If you’re ready to go to rehab, but don’t know how to start the process, it’s time to call 888-646-0635Who Answers?. Our professional addiction specialists are standing by to answer your questions and get you the help you need.

Ask these 10 Questions Before Entering a Treatment Program

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