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Does It Help to Have Visitors During Rehab?

The involvement of loved ones in addiction treatment is one of the best possible factors when it comes to a person’s recovery. “Involvement of a family member or significant other in an individual’s treatment program can strengthen and extend treatment benefits,” keep the individual in the program longer, and provide them with the kind of love and support they will absolutely need during this difficult stage (National Institute on Drug Abuse). One of the best ways a friend or family member can be involved in this way is to visit their loved one at the rehab center.

Why is Visitation So Important?

rehab visitation

Having visitors while in rehab helps residents feel less isolated and more supported in their recovery efforts.

Different inpatient and residential rehab clinics have different rules, but almost all centers allow their patients to receive visitors at least at some point during their program. It is very important for friends and family members to visit when possible because this option provides certain benefits for both parties––the addict and their loved ones––that no other option can provide.

  • The addict’s loved ones can see the facility for themselves. Letters and phone calls cannot establish the same sort of connection and allow the friends and family of the addict to understand their situation as truly as visiting the facility can.
  • Friends and family members can also determine the state of mind of their loved one and see if their situation is improving through treatment. It is harder to hide progress––or lack thereof––when face-to-face, and this can help both parties understand each other and the journeys they are on more deeply.
  • The support system of the addict (including friends, parents, siblings, spouses, coworkers, etc.) can participate in treatments, such as family therapy. This is highly recommended, as allowing both individuals to come together in a safe space and talk often improves the situations of everyone.
  • Visitors may, if appropriate, be allowed to discuss the individual’s progress with their doctor. If not, they can ask questions about their own needs and possibly find out about treatment options for the loved ones of addicts.

In addition, when the loved ones of an addict do not visit them in rehab, they can often begin to feel very isolated from their life and those they care about. This can sometimes lead to depression, hopelessness, and other feelings that compromise the individual and make treatment and recovery more difficult. Seeing friends and family while attending inpatient or residential rehab can remind people of why they decided to go into a program in the first place and what is waiting for them after they leave. This gives them a stronger desire to succeed in the program and in their overall recovery.

How to Visit Your Loved One in Their Rehab Center

Visitation Helps Everyone

According to Social Work Public Health, “The effects of a substance use disorder… are felt by the whole family,” as well as others who are close to the addict. For this reason, everyone involved is usually in need of reassurance, guidance, and help once the individual decides to attend treatment, and even as a loved one of the addict, visiting the rehab center itself can be helpful to you, let alone to the person in treatment. If you are currently looking for the rehab center that will fit your specific needs, call 888-646-0635Who Answers?. We can help.

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