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Benefits of Rohypnol Treatment and Rehab Centers

Rohypnol, commonly known as the “date rape” drug, became popular in the U. S. during the early 1990s. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Rohypnol belongs to the benzodiazepine class of drugs, producing both sedative and hypnotic effects depending on the dosage level taken.

In lower dosage amounts, Rohypnol brings on certain desirable effects that account for the drug’s abuse potential. With frequent use, a person can gradually become dependent on the drug’s effects at which point Rohypnol treatment may be needed to stop out-of-control drug-using behaviors.

Rohypnol treatment options vary based on a person’s specific treatment needs. While some people can stop using on their own without professional help, in general, the longer a person keeps using the drug the more likely he or she will require Rohypnol treatment help.

Rohypnol Effects

rohypnol abuse

Rohypnol withdrawal can be dangerous and medical treatment is recommended.

In large doses, Rohypnol induces a “blackout” state where a person doesn’t remember events that transpired while under the influence. At low doses, Rohypnol’s benzodiazepine effect helps to reduce anxiety levels to the point of intoxication, according to Brown University Health Education. A single dose can produce effects that last anywhere from two to eight hours.

Rohypnol works by depressing central nervous system functions. With repeated use, the brain develops a tolerance to the drug’s effects, so users likely increase dosage amounts to compensate for rising tolerance levels.

As tolerance levels rise, users start to experience withdrawal effects in the absence of needed dosage amounts. These changes mark the beginnings of physical dependence and eventual addiction. Once addiction sets in, the need for Rohypnol treatment becomes increasingly apparent.

Rohypnol Treatment Options

Abruptly stopping Rohypnol use can bring on life-threatening withdrawal effects, some of which include –

  • Respiratory failure
  • Convulsions
  • Seizures
  • Shock
  • Delirium

For this reason, Rohypnol treatment starts out with a three to five-day inpatient detox period where a person can receive 24-hour monitoring to manage withdrawal symptoms, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse.

From there, Rohypnol treatment entails a series of treatment interventions that can be administered through both residential and outpatient programs. Treatment interventions used include –

  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Group therapy
  • Relapse prevention training
  • Medication therapies
  • 12-Step program training

The choice between residential versus outpatient treatment should be made based on the severity of a person’s addiction as well as the length of time he or she has used the drug.

Rohypnol Treatment Considerations

Chronic or long-term Rohypnol use can greatly disrupt normal brain function leaving users in a deteriorated state. For some people, it can take months or even years for the brain to return to normal functional capacity.

For these reasons, Rohypnol treatment programs provide several levels of care designed to meet a person where he or she is at in the recovery process. While someone in recovery has the option to choose between residential and outpatient treatment, people coming off long-term addictions will likely require residential care followed by outpatient treatment.

Getting the level of treatment a person needs offers the greatest benefit in terms of ensuring he or she will be able to maintain abstinence for the long-term. We can help you find treatment for Rohypnol abuse. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.

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