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Getting Treatment at a Free Inpatient Drug Rehab Center

free rehab

It is possible to find a rehab center that provides free care and support.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there are approximately 20 million people currently suffering from behavioral or addictive disorders. Of these people, less than 10 percent are actively being treated through a program. Roughly 40 percent of these people are unable to receive treatment because of the high cost involved. Each free inpatient drug rehab center is able to provide counseling, therapy, support and medical care in a controlled setting that secludes the patient from the outside world and promotes recovery. If a person thinks that they are not able to afford to get help or they are not able to afford treatment but would like to be able to recover from a drug addiction should seek out free rehab services in their area.

Will a Free Rehab Center Provide Medication as Needed?

While most free inpatient drug rehab centers cannot afford to provide medications to all their patients, there are some that provide low cost medications to their patients on an as needed basis. Methadone is a very commonly used medication that helps to curb cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms for those who are addicted to opiates. This medication is often provided at free drug rehab centers to help patient remain clean and sober on their road to recovery.

Will I be Able to Get the Support I Need at a Free Drug Rehab Center?

A very important component that is offered by free drug rehab centers is support. Support is such a necessary piece of every type of rehab treatment. A strong support system creates a long lasting bond between the patient and those around them which helps to encourage healing and trust. Support is found in many different scenarios as with the 12-step treatment at free drug rehab centers or others such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. It can also be found in the counselors, therapists, family and friends that share in the treatment process and goals of the recovering addict. Patients even have a tendency to find support in other patients who are going through the same situations of recovery and the process of healing.


Education in rehab treatment goes a long way in helping the recovering addict to understand the issues that they are dealing with. Most free rehab centers will provide education to the support system that the patient will have once they complete their recovery so they can always be there for the addict to reach out to. Some of the educational sessions will focus on triggers and cravings, understanding the various phases of recovery and also providing insight into the common reactions that family members and friends have have when dealing with addiction.

By just facing the addiction, you have taken the first step towards recovery. Once you do this you will need medical intervention, support, counseling and aftercare to build the foundation for recovery that is why seeking out free rehab programs to help you is so important.

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