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Seasons Recovery Center Providing Help For Addicts with Co-Occurring Disorders

Seasons Recovery Center can help you overcome your addiction!

Seasons Recovery Center can help you overcome your addiction!

Realizing that Co-occurring disorders are often at the root of many addiction cases, Seasons Recovery Center helps addicts break the cycle by providing treatment for co-occurring disorders.

It may come unexpected but Seasons Recovery Center of Malibu, California has seen the situation occur hundreds of times before – it all begins with an addict struggling with addiction and trying to cope with a rash of underlying conditions that are at the root of addiction itself. Better known as co-occurring disorders, Seasons Recovery Center focuses much of their treatment practices on helping addicts to overcome both addiction and the underlying conditions that are at the root of the addiction such as eating disorders, traumatic experiences, anxiety disorders and a list of other psychological disorders which often cause an addict to self medicate in an attempt to “balance out.”

At Seasons Recovery Center, treatment for co-occurring disorders is performed by highly skilled clinical staff that use psychiatric resources and solid case management to provide a systemic treatment approach that results in successful addiction recovery and the ability for the addict to maintain a balance that was once thought to be impossible. From start to finish, Seasons Recovery Center provides highly specialized treatment for patients under the leadership of a psychiatrist who works to quickly and efficiently to execute a treatment plan that will stabilize the patient and set them on the path to long term sobriety.

Patients are assigned their own Case Manager who woks closely with the treatment team to execute a specially tailored treatment plan that assures the successful recovery of the patient. Working together, the Case Manager and Primary Therapist as well as the Psychiatrist help the patient to move forward with treatment goals and develop a routine that works to help the patient cope with co-occurring disorders while also dealing with every aspect of addiction from withdrawal to psychological dependence.

Not all dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders can be treated the same and not all dual diagnosis treatment centers do justice for their patients. At Seasons Recovery Center, co-occurring disorders are treated effectively, efficiently and successfully. The team based approach and individualized care plans that are provided here ensure lasting recovery and balance for those suffering from a range of co-occurring disorders such as eating disorders, anxiety disorders and a range of other psychological conditions.

About Seasons Recovery Center

Seasons Recovery Center provides drug and alcohol counseling in Malibu, California (CA). They take a holistic approach to addiction treatment, focusing on all aspects of a person in order to design the appropriate treatment plan. At Seasons Recovery Center, patients can receive treatment for not just the physical symptoms of addiction but the psychological issues as well. The compassionate team of doctors and treatment professionals are dedicated to helping every patient achieve long-term success, sobriety and happiness.

Those looking for rehab in Malibu, California, (CA) can contact Seasons Recovery Center at (866) 780-8539 for drug and alcohol counseling and treatment, or visit their website at for details.

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