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Combatting Isolation in Inpatient Care

As stated by the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, “In many ways, hardcore drug users are isolated from society. Their addiction affects not only them but also their families and friends as well as the larger community.” And when an individual needs to attend inpatient care to help them cope with addiction and begin to recover, isolation can be one of the most difficult feelings to combat.

Understanding and Recognizing Inpatient Isolation


It’s easy to feel isolated from society while attending inpatient care.

Though individuals in most inpatient or residential programs meet other people like doctors, therapists, nurses, volunteers, and other patients while in treatment, they can also feel extremely removed from the lives they know and love. And those who do not have family members or friends with whom relationships are still or intact can suffer greatly by feeling lonely and secluded from the rest of society. In addition, some patients may even experience symptoms of depression that can cause them to have suicidal thoughts or feelings. This is why it is so important for those in the life of an inpatient addict, be they caregivers or loved ones, understand the severity of this issue.

If an individual becomes very withdrawn during group or individualized therapy, does not seem to be making any friends in the program, and has trouble relating to either the medical staff or the other patients, it is possible that they may be feeling isolated and lonely. Some individuals also lash out when they feel this way, so one must also be aware of the opposite side of the spectrum. Recognizing the symptoms of this issue in someone can help identify and combat the problem.

Why You Should Include Your Family in Your Alcohol Rehab Experience

Minimizing Issues of Isolation in Inpatient Care

If you have a loved one in inpatient treatment, it can be extremely beneficial for them if you are able to show them that you support their decision to attend treatment and want them to get better. By visiting, calling or picking up when they call, and writing letters, you can keep the lines of communication open so they will not feel so alone and they will continue to be reminded that, though it’s difficult, they are doing the right thing by seeking help. You can also attend behavioral therapy sessions with your loved one, as some facilities provide family therapy sessions that can be extremely helpful for both you and the addicted individual.

Inpatient facilities can stage activities that are meant to create bonds between the patients as well as the patients and their caregivers. Residential care often helps patients understand new ways of forging relationships and communicating with others, which can be very helpful to the individual’s overall recovery. In general, it is important for both the caregivers and the loved ones of the patient to help combat these issues of solitariness and isolation so the addict can gain the most possible from their treatment at a residential or inpatient rehab center. If you know someone who may need this type of treatment, or if you would like to learn more about ways to cope with or inhibit isolation in a residential treatment setting, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today to find out more.

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