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How to Intervene in an Alcohol Addiction

Don't let your loved one get lost in their alcohol addiction!

Don’t let your loved one get lost in their alcohol addiction!

Alcoholism is a dangerous condition that affects both the addict and those around them. Throughout the world, people are struggling with alcohol addiction and trying to decide whether or not they should confront their loved one about a drinking problem. Though nobody wants to admit that their loved one has a drinking problem, the reality is that no matter how hard it is to admit, intervening in an alcohol addiction may be the most important thing you can do for your friend or family member if you really do care.

Why Should You Intervene in an Alcohol Addiction?

If you’re wondering why YOU should do it, or why someone else doesn’t do it, consider this:

If you recognize that a loved one is addicted to alcohol then you are already on the right track to helping them get well. Realizing the problem is the very first step. Further, if you really love or care about the individual then don’t you want to make them better? Alcohol addiction is dangerous and can lead to long term health problems, relationship failures and even worse – death. If you intervene in the alcohol addiction and help your friend or family member to get the help that they need, you could have potentially just saved the life of your loved one!

Why doesn’t someone else do it? You may be the only one who has the courage to intervene! If you are afraid of confronting the addict on your own, you can consider seeking help from friends or family members to come together and confront the addict about their addiction and offer them help to get well. The most important thing is that you don’t stall and you seek help for the individual as quickly as possible after you have realized that they have a problem.

Voicing Concern During an Intervention

It’s usually a good idea to voice your concerns for your loved one rather than bombard them with the obtrusive statements that require them to deal with their drinking problem. For instance, consider telling your friend or loved one that you are concerned about them, you’re worried, you love them and that you think he or she may need some help and support. If the addict chooses to refuse your concerns and does not think that you have a valid right to be concerned then you may have to take a more invasive and forceful approach to the intervention.

We’ve seen this before on television shows like Intervention, the family comes together tells the addict that they care about them and have seen the negative impact that the addiction has had on them. When the addict accepts treatment the intervention has been a success, but when the addict refuses treatment the tough love approach begins. Family members choose to remove access to certain things such as money, attention, housing and other aspects of the family life that may be used to influence the addict accepting treatment. In most cases, the mere threat of being removed or having these luxuries removed is enough for them to accept treatment.

Recognizing the Signs of Alcohol Addiction and the Need to Intervene

If your friend or loved one shows any of the following signs of alcohol addiction then you should consider staging an intervention to get them to accept help and seek treatment at an alcohol rehab center immediately:

  • Drinking everyday
  • Drinking uncontrollably or multiple drinks per day
  • Drinking in a public place where alcohol is normally not permitted or people wouldn’t normally consume alcoholic beverages
  • Show or stating a “need” for alcohol to get going, feel better, etc.
  • Insomnia, especially when not drinking
  • Being hospitalized for alcohol poisoning or over consumption of alcohol
  • Drinking more than 4 times or nights per week

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