Palm Partners, Florida Drug Rehab Center Provides Patients with Addiction Treatment Guarantee
With world class treatment and a recovery coaching program that is unsurpassed, Palm Partners is proud to offer an addiction treatment guarantee.

Let us help you find a drug rehab center to help you overcome your addiction!
Although nobody can truly guarantee that addiction treatment will work as the fate of the addict is left very much up to the addict himself, Palm Partners can offer a limited guarantee that their addiction treatment program, when followed appropriately will work. Every addict has the right to handle their addiction in a way that they find to be appropriate but for those who choose to take part in the Palm Partners residential drug treatment program for at least 90 days and then engage in the recovery coaching program for a period of one year a guarantee is provided.
The Palm Partners addiction treatment guarantee states:
“Provided the individual has been in a residential treatment facility for a full 90 days of residential care, and then is compliant with the Recovery Coaching Program for a full year after that, if such an individual relapses they may return for treatment at the same facility for thirty day relapse prevention program free of charge.”
Unfortunately, even the most prevalent and profound addiction treatment programs are not always enough to help an addict maintain long term sobriety. Relapse is a common occurrence even for those who have received world renowned addiction treatment and who attend an aftercare program. The chance of relapse does significantly decrease with the length of time that an addict continues to receive treatment for their addiction and the potential for relapse is even further decreased when the recovering addict takes part in an after care program such as the recovery coaching program at Palm Partners. This is why Palm Partners offers a limited treatment guarantee that is based primarily on the premise that a 90 day addiction treatment program combined with a long term after care program can be a very effective means of addiction treatment and can greatly reduce chance of relapse.
The Palm Partners treatment guarantee is reserved for those who are truly dedicated to overcoming their addiction but who have slipped up. Relapse doesn’t have to be the beginning of another addiction problem. With the help of Palm Partners, the recovery coaching program and the addiction treatment guarantee individuals who are committed to sobriety and who need an added boost along the way can find the support, help and hope that they need to make a full recovery even when relapse occurs.
About Palm Partners Recovery Center
Palm Partners Recovery Center offers various types of drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs
including residential drug addiction treatment, inpatient treatment and outpatient treatment as well as
extended and follow up care. The drug and alcohol treatment programs offered at Palm Partners
Recovery Center are individually tailored to meet the needs of the each patient offering a full range of
care, living arrangements, independent living options and extended care.
The Palm Partners Recovery Center treatment programs take a traditional and non traditional approach
incorporating the philosophy of a 12-step model that is combined with various health and wellness
practices to promote long term recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. In addition to providing a
full range of drug addiction services, Palm Partners Recovery Center also offers yoga, fitness therapy,
healthy lifestyle options, nutrition counseling and various recreational activities to help promote a
healthy recovery.
For more information about the services offered at Palm Partners Recovery Center or to speak with a
qualified admissions counselor at Palm Coast Recovery Center, contact the facility at 877-711-4673 or
visit the Palm Partners Recovery Center website at