Drug addiction is a dangerous disease but did you know that detoxing from drugs can be just as dangerous as overdosing? Certain drugs have a very strong physical dependency and abruptly eliminating these drugs can cause adverse affects on the body. While it is always advisable to stop using drugs it is not always advisable to detox alone. Here’s a look at why you shouldn’t detox alone:
Withdrawal During Detox
Some physical withdrawal symptoms are more severe than others. Detoxing alone means that you will experience all of the pains and discomforts associated with withdrawal alone. In addition to the physical withdrawal symptoms that are felt during detox there are also many psychological withdrawal symptoms associated with various drug addictions. Physically, you may feel sick and vomit, you may be shaky and unstable, and you could experience very adverse affects. You should not detox alone because you may suffer from potentially lethal side effects associated with withdrawal which include heart attack, stroke, or seizures.
It is not safe to detox alone because if you happen to experience a serious side effect such as a stroke or a heart attack you must have someone around to help you. You cannot call the hospital if you are seizing but if you are detoxing in a medically supervised environment there are ways that severe withdrawal symptoms can be reversed and you can be kept safe. There may not be enough time to rush to the hospital during a severe withdrawal effect but if you are already at a hospital or in a drug rehab center than you will have a better chance of living through any of the negative side effects that come from withdrawal.
Medically monitored detox is safer for you than to detox alone. All addicts will experience some type of psychological issues during withdrawal but some can be worse than others. It’s important that you do not detox alone because you may experience anxiety or depression that can be very dangerous during detox. If you become severely depressed you could become a danger to yourself. Under the proper medical care, a counselor will be able to help you through any depression or anxiety that results during detox so that you do not become a potential harm to yourself or to anybody else.
The symptoms of withdrawal can be overwhelming. Detoxing in a safe and supervised environment ensures that you can begin the road to recovery without worrying about the possible negative side effects of an unsafe detox. It’s important that you don’t detox alone to ensure your own safety and the safety of those around you.
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