10 Reasons you Do Not Want to Go Through Withdrawal Alone
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, it is always good to have a support network while you go through withdrawal. Although every individual is different, there are some common reasons why you do not want to go through withdrawal alone.
1. Everything is Harder on Your Own
Although it might not always seem like it everything is more difficult when you are by yourself. This includes going through the withdrawal process. You will have to get the things that you need on your own, which often means driving or shopping while you are in full withdrawal.
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2. Some Types of Withdrawal are Dangerous Alone
Two of the most dangerous types of withdrawal are from alcohol and benzodiazepines. If you come off these two drugs suddenly, you can go into convulsions and die. Withdrawal from dangerous substances needs to be medically supervised or there could be serious medical consequences.
3. There is a Greater Chance of Relapse
The chance of relapse is much greater when you are alone. Most people who do not seek treatment help or at least a friend to help them out, wind up relapsing before their body is completely free of the drug.
4. You Need a Support Structure
Rehab provides you with a support system of people who have similar experiences.
Support structure is extremely important during withdrawal. Physical withdrawal is a delicate time. It causes you to question yourself and everything around you. Having a support structure will help you to deal with this while you are most vulnerable.
5. Having People who Know what you are Going Through Helps
One thing that is helpful during withdrawal is to have people around you who know how hard it is to get off a drug. You can only find this when you are in a rehab with people who also went through the same thing.
6. Rehab offers Medical Support
During rehab medical staff can help you with medications to help ease your withdrawal. Withdrawal often produces some physical side effects such as nausea and vomiting. Rehabs can offer medications to ease the symptoms of withdrawal.
7. Rehab can Help you with Underlying Issues
If you are alone when you go through withdrawal, you will not receive the counseling needed to discover what caused the addiction. If you don’t know what caused it, you will not know how to correct it.
8. Your Behavior Might be Off During Withdrawal
While you are in withdrawal, you might behave irrationally or emotionally. The withdrawal from many drugs causes depression, anxiety, anger, and irrational behavior. Some types of withdrawal can make you suicidal.
If you have tried to go through withdrawal on your own before and failed, chances are you will not make it alone a second time.
10. The Right Rehab is Not Difficult to Find
Going through withdrawal in a rehab is much easier than going through it alone. A good rehab can give you the support that you need through the withdrawal process. To find the right rehab call us at 888-646-0635Who Answers?. We can help you find the right rehab for you.
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