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Types of Treatment in Alcohol Rehab Centers

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Group therapy and support groups are very helpful in alcohol rehab.

Alcoholism is an epidemic in the United States. According to NIH, nearly 17 million adults struggle with alcohol use disorders. Overcoming an addiction to alcohol can seem frightening when you’re right in the middle of it. The urge to drink again may be so strong that it can seem impossible to resist, and the physical withdrawal symptoms can be so intense that you feel you must drink again to alleviate them or keep from being sick.

For some, the physical withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant, but for others they can be life threatening. The fact is that professional treatment is usually necessary when drinking has gone beyond recreation to a full blown necessity. If you are ready to make a commitment to getting better and feel that it is the right time to get help in your addiction fight the next step is researching what types of treatment are available. You should start by talking to your doctor about your options.

Types of Treatment in Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers

There are many types of treatment available for alcoholism and alcohol abuse in drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers across the nation. You should take your time when choosing a program that is right for you. Let your doctor know what you feel is important to you and that should help to narrow down the options. Another major factor in choosing a rehabilitation center is location and how much treatment is going to cost. Most are able to be treated for alcohol disorders on an outpatient basis but for some inpatient treatment is a better choice. The most important factor in choosing a rehabilitation center is knowing what kind of treatment program they offer.

12 Step Programs

Many treatment centers for alcohol disorders follow the 12 Step Program that was introduced by Alcoholics Anonymous in the 1930’s. It is a program that is based on taking responsibility for yourself and for the pain that you’ve caused in the midst of your addiction. It requires you to make amends for mistreating others by admitting your transgressions to them directly and asking for forgiveness. The program is centered around faith and spiritual guidance. It is the most common program utilized by most inpatient and outpatient alcohol rehabilitation centers.

Smart Recovery

Smart Recovery is also an available form of treatment in alcohol rehabilitation centers. It is different from the 12 Step Program in that it focuses more on the addiction itself as opposed to treating the person as a whole. It is not faith based like the 12 Step Program either. It focuses on these 4 steps:

  1. Motivation building
  2. Mastering your own life by controlling your thought and behaviors.
  3. Coping with cravings
  4. Practice living a balanced life that includes proper diet, nutrition and exercise.

Medical Detox

Going through the detox phase of recovery can be much easier to manage in an alcohol rehabilitation center that offers medical detox. Benzodiazepenes are proven to nearly completely control the physical withdrawal symptoms that accompany alcohol detox. Most begin the detox phase with a short inpatient stay that lasts about three days and after that most are able to reside at home for the remainder of their therapy.


Counseling for alcohol addiction In concert with either the Smart Recovery or the 12 Step Program should be a vital part of any treatment program that is offered. Most treatment centers that offer programs for alcohol addiction will assign a personal counselor or sponsor to help you to stay focused on your recovery even when it gets difficult. Your counselor will be there for you day and night if you are tempted to drink alcohol again and need help fighting the temptation.

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