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Treatment Methods in Local Detox Centers

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Going through detox in a center that’s close to home can help you stay near your loved ones.

Addiction is a multifaceted ailment. It is not gender specific. It doesn’t discriminate between child and adult. It cannot recognize your cultural background. It will not care for your family or friends. Whether you have money or not, will make no difference to an addiction. So it would follow then, that the approaches to treatment should be as specific to each addiction as possible. There is a basic map or a standard which can offer choices, but there is no one way to help an addict recover. Trial and error are constant companions of the recovering addict.

Treatment approaches typically offered in local detox centers include:

  • Detoxification
  • Medication
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Relapse prevention

According to the NIH, “Detoxification is the process of allowing the body to rid itself of a drug while managing the symptoms of withdrawal. It is often the first step in a drug treatment program and should be followed by treatment with a behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication, if available. Detox alone with no follow-up is not treatment.”

Medications offered during recovery from drug or alcohol addiction may include opioids, nicotine therapy, and a select few that are approved by the FDA for alcohol detox treatment. Other medications for management of severe symptoms and accompanying medical conditions may also be interred into the treatment plan. These might include benzodiazepines or andrenergic medicines.

According to NIDA, behavioral therapy may include a system of therapies that will target certain areas of thinking, as well as including a training for life situations and help with family and friends. Motivational tools and incentives are often paired with support from family and friends, and cognitive-behavioral therapy which is essentially to help “re-train” the brain in its reactions and attitudes toward drugs and alcohol. Residential therapy regiments are very strict and structured and usually employed with more severe addiction cases.

Relapse prevention would include recognition of the fact that there is no cure for drug or alcohol addiction. People do recover from it, but it will be a process of steps and behaviors that will need monitoring and adjusting for the duration of the addict’s life. “Working a program”, or becoming involved with a recovery program such as a 12-step program, is an avenue sought out by many who are interested in staying “clean”. Surrounding yourself with those that would encourage your sobriety and support your course in seeking recovery is another decision that backs the idea behind a relapse preventative lifestyle.

A detox center and its methods of treatment are designed specifically to help each individual take their life back from drug and alcohol addiction. It is noted repeatedly by experts, doctors, and clinicians alike, that just one aspect of the rehabilitation is not enough by itself. Only when the treatments are used in conjunction and full participation is observed will the likelihood of recovery stand a chance.

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