Aetna Drug Rehab Coverage for Opiate Addiction Treatment
Opiate addiction is one of the most serious substance abuse disorders affecting the country today; millions are abusing both illicit and prescription-based opioid drugs. In order to make a change and put an end to your opioid abuse, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? now to find rehab centers that will provide safe, reliable care and to find out how Aetna can help you pay for treatment.
How Can Aetna Help Me?
Opioid addiction is extremely dangerous, and unfortunately, it is only getting worse. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there is an “estimated 2.1 million people in the United States suffering from substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relievers… and an estimated 467,000 addicted to heroin.”
Call our helpline to find out more about opiate rehab programs.
Aetna Insurance can help you get the treatment you need to safely recover from opioid addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Most people who get into and remain in treatment stop using drugs, decrease their criminal activity, and improve their occupational, social, and psychological functioning.” Attempting to go through recovery and withdrawal from opioids without the proper professional care is likely to be much less successful, and utilizing an insurance plan to help you pay for treatment will minimize the cost and ensure that you are able to attend the right program for your needs.
What Does Aetna Offer for Opioid Addiction Rehab?
Aetna Insurance covers the cost of rehab either in full or part in order to help more individuals seek the assistance they need. Inpatient and outpatient programs are both covered under Aetna Insurance, and depending on whether or not a specific facility works with Aetna, you can often receive help paying for a large amount of your treatment. Any personal costs incurred can usually be financed and paid over time.
Does Aetna Cover Short- and Long-term Treatment Options?
Yes. Aetna will cover part or all of rehab programs that last from 30 to 90 days, depending on your individual situation. Sometimes, opioid addiction treatment requires a longer program (one that lasts six months to a year or more), and you can work with Aetna to find out how much of your program will be covered. This is especially an important consideration if you are choosing methadone maintenance.
Choosing the Right Treatment Program
Choosing the treatment program that is best for your needs is essential to recovering safely from opioid abuse and addiction. It is important to note as well that one should not choose the bare minimum option for treatment in order to ensure full coverage. Aetna covers all or part of many out-of-state and luxury rehab programs depending on your specific situation, and this coverage can help make a program more affordable to you, which is especially important if you require a certain type of treatment or accommodation.
Aetna will cover either all or part of your rehab program, and the amount will depend specifically on the facility you choose, your insurance plan, and the severity of your condition. Finding the right program is absolutely essential to a safe recovery, so call 888-646-0635Who Answers? now to find the best rehab center for your needs.
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