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The Treatment you Find at Opiate Rehab Centers

None of them choose to have this dangerous disease, but suffer from it nonetheless. Fortunately, there are rehab centers that specialize in this type of addiction and the treatments for it. There are several treatments that you may find at an opiate rehab center.

Medication Assisted Treatment

There are two traditional treatment approaches for opiate addiction. The first is medication assisted treatment. This approach uses specific medications to ease withdrawal symptoms and manage cravings throughout the recovery process. The medications used include:

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, medication assisted treatment using these medications can be very effective when used as part of a comprehensive treatment program performed by addiction professionals.

Behavioral Treatment

Opiate Rehab Centers

Some opiate rehab centers offer alternative treatment methods such as aromatherapy.

The other traditional treatment approach is behavioral treatment. Three are a number of different behavioral treatment options depending on the individual, their addiction, and their needs and goals. But, all of these approaches share the same goals, which are:

  • to identify underlying thoughts and behaviors that may lead to addiction
  • to alter these thoughts and behaviors away from addictive tendencies
  • to help the addict remain motivated to recover
  • to help them avoid future relapses

By meeting these goals, behavioral therapy gives recovering opiate addicts the ability to manage their condition long term. A good rehab center will offer behavioral therapies. For help finding an opiate rehab center call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today.

Alternative Treatment

Any treatment approach that does not utilize medications or behavioral therapies is considered an alternative treatment. Some of these include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Shamanic healing
  • Spiritual practices
  • Meditation
  • Herbal remedies
  • Holistic medicine

Just because these practices are not considered to be standard in treatment, that does not mean they are not effective. Every person deals with opiate addiction differently and finding a rehab center that recognizes this and offers a wide range of treatment options gives you the best chance of beating your addiction.

Combined Treatment

It is well documented that medication therapy and behavioral therapy are both very helpful in treating opiate addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, combining these two treatment approaches can be even more effective.

In fact, most addiction experts agree that combining two or more treatment approaches gives a recovering addict the best chance at beating their addiction and returning to a normal life. There are numerous rehab centers that use this approach in addiction treatment.

Finding the Right Opiate Rehab Center

Knowing what treatments are offered at opiate rehab centers doesn’t get you any closer to living your life free of opiate addiction. In order for that to happen, you must find the right rehab for you, and seek treatment at it.

Finding a rehab center that fits your needs may seem difficult, but we are here to help. Call us today at 888-646-0635Who Answers? and our staff will assist you in selecting a treatment center that will best meet your needs. You do not have to do this alone.

Why Opiate Rehab is So Important

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