Why Choose a Rehab Center in a Different City or State?
Although it might seem counterintuitive, sometimes it is better to seek a rehab in a different city or state than the one you are in. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are different causes, triggers, and treatment for addictive behavior. At times the best course of action is to remove yourself from familiar surroundings to that the influences around you do not affect your chances of recovery.
What are Triggers?
Leaving the town or city you live in for rehab will help you to avoid the triggers and temptations at home.
Triggers are things at your home and in your environment that cause you to want to use drugs. This can be something as small as an object or paraphernalia or an object that reminds you of your drug use or something as big as a place or public park. These things make relapse easier and more convenient than recovery.
One of the biggest causes of relapse is the inability to deal with the things that trigger it. It is also one of the biggest reasons to seek a rehab that is far away from your triggers. Since triggers can be something as important as a person that helps you to use drugs, in order to ensure a proper recovery, you need to be away from all of the things that enable you to use.
Why Should you be Away from your Town?
Being away from your town means being away from the places and dealers that help you to use the drugs you are addicted to. There are people in your town or city that want you to continue to use because it is easier and more profitable to keep you addicted. Many of them may not even realize that this is their goal until you are well on your way to recovery.
Being away from these people only helps you stop using drugs. Although leaving your town and being in unfamiliar surroundings might be scary, it can also be freeing. Remember in a new town, your reputation does not have to follow you.
Your family and friends will still be able to visit you and participate in family counseling. They simply have to travel a bit farther. Those that can and do travel to see you are those that are true friends. Although in some circumstances they might not be able to travel, in today’s age of instant communication they can stay in touch and help you form a support structure. They can help you from a far or come visit you when the rehab you are in permits.
Featured Rehab Center
Just because you are not in the same city, does not mean they cannot still help you in your recovery. They will still be able to help you form the support structure you need if you decide to return to your home city.
For information on rehab in any city or state, call us at 888-646-0635Who Answers?. We can help you find a rehab center that is right for you no matter what location you want to be in.
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