Rehab can help those suffering from depression get their moods lighter and to learn to cope better on their own.
The most important thing to remember is that depression is not something that should be suffered alone. According to The National Institute of Mental Health, “depression is a treatable illness.” Though many suffer in silence just because they believe they are just “sad” or will “get over it,” depression effects “about 6.7% of US adults experience major depressive disorders.” With the right amount of medications, therapy, and treatment per individual, rehab can be very effective in helping a person through depression.
Major Depression and Persistent Depressive Disorder
The National Alliance on Mental Illness defines major depression as “a mood state that goes well beyond temporarily feeling sad or blue.” When it comes to depression, it is not a curable state that a person feels and then “gets over.” Depression can occur once in someone’s life, but it is much more commonly “a life-long condition in which periods of wellness alternate with recurrences of illness.”
Persistent Depressive Disorder is recognized by the fact that it “must last for two years” (The National Institute of Mental Health). A person can suffer from this even if his or her depression is broken by periods of less severe symptoms as long as the period lasts two or more years.
Depression is often highly specific to a person’s situation. Usually, the symptoms include:
“Persistent sad, anxious, or ‘empty’ feelings” (The National Institute of Mental Health)
Severe changes in eating habits
Losing interest in life in general or certain activities
Feelings of despair or guilt
Other forms of depression include:
Psychotic Depression
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Postpartum Depression
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Situational Depression
Any of these forms of depression could become severe enough that an affected person would benefit from rehab.
Rehab for Depression
The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends rehabilitation if “a person’s depression has resulted in loss of work or disengagement from other social activities over a longer term.” When depression becomes severe enough, a person could reach out to harmful substances to dull the pain or shut down entirely.
Rehab facilities are designed to give the individual a safe, structured environment where the feelings of depression can possibly be curbed with medication. But the treatment doesn’t stop there. Many rehab facilities have treatment plans which include:
Antidepressants and Medications
Therapy (individual and group)
Nutrition Classes
Massage Therapy
These treatments and more are designed to help someone suffering from depression. If depression begins to take over at least one aspect of a person’s life, such as work, school, or family time, the person or concerned friends or loved ones ought to consider discussing rehab for depression. We are often quick to dismiss depression as “the blues” or “something I’ll get over,” but it can quickly begin to take a toll on our lives. Depression is difficult to fight alone and, especially when a person is feeling overwhelmed or helpless to the point of losing control over every day life, rehab can be the answer to the sufferer’s question: how can I feel like myself again?
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