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5 Signs You Need Drug Rehab

Drug rehab isn’t a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.

Drug rehab isn’t a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.

It is never too late to seek help for addiction but if you wait too long the chances of irreparable damage being cause as a result of your addiction increase significantly. If you are not sure whether you need drug rehab or not consider this – if you have tried to stop using on your own and you can’t then you need drug rehab! Quit telling yourself that you COULD stop IF you WANTED to and consider these 5 signs that you NEED drug rehab as your cue to call for help:

Tolerance Increases

Have you noticed that you use more drugs than you once did but you still only feel the same effects or you feel less effects than you once did? If you have built a tolerance to drugs or alcohol and now must use more, double or triple or even more than that in order to feel the same high or a similar high then you need help. Tolerance is just the beginning of addiction and as your addiction builds your tolerance will too and the need for drug rehab will become even more prevalent.

You Say You Will Stop but You Don’t

Have you told friends or family members (or yourself) that you will stop using drugs or alcohol and then continued to use despite your promise to stop? If you say you will stop and then you continue to use there’s a sign that you have lost control of your drug or alcohol use and you need to seek help at a drug rehab center. A sign that you need drug rehab is evident when you say you will stop or that you will only do a little bit and then end up using much more than you intended to and spend much more time getting high.

Have you noticed that if you can’t get your drug of choice then you substitute with something else? Did you once use a particular substance but now you use something else that costs less or is easier to get a hold of? This is a sure sign that you need drug rehab. You can’t substitute addiction with another addiction because doing so means that you are not healing. Some people stop using drugs and become exercise maniacs or start drinking tons of coffee. The downside is that anything done out of moderation and in excess is a danger to the body—no matter what it is. Drug rehab can help to teach you how to do things (like eat, exercise or drink coffee) in moderation to avoid future addictions.

Suffering the Consequences Again and Again

If you have already been in trouble as a result of your drug or alcohol use or you have suffered negative consequences and you continue to use drugs or alcohol then you need help. Drug rehab is for people who have tried to overcome their addiction on their own and failed or for those who despite the negative consequences of addiction continue to use drugs. If you have suffered broken relationships, DUI, trouble with the law or medical issues as a result of your addiction and you continue to use it’s time to seek help at a drug rehab center.


Finally, if you suffer any type of withdrawals when you stop using drugs or alcohol then it’s time to seek help. Withdrawal symptoms are a sure sign that it’s time to get help because when withdrawal symptoms persist you are likely to continue to use drugs or alcohol in an effort to beat the withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, withdrawal symptoms can make the first days or weeks of recovery difficult and dangerous unless the detoxification is done under the direct care of medical staff at a drug rehab center.

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