According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are a vast variety of treatments available for substance abuse problems. The hard part is not the treatment but watching a friend struggle with the challenges of drug abuse and addiction. Most people feel helpless to do anything for their friend. Fortunately, there are ways to approach a person regarding drug abuse that can help them decide to find treatment themselves.
Tell them there is a Problem
Many people ignore the fact that there is a problem with one of their friends. Some even go to the point of making excuses for their friend’s drug or alcohol issues. Most people tend to try and avoid the topic whenever possible. Unfortunately, this does not work if the person needs help. It is best to sit them down and tell them that there is a problem. They might not take it well at first but it is one of the best things you can do for them.
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Talk to them About their Drug Use
When you tell them, there is a problem site specific examples where their drug use has hurt them and you. Many people do not realize the impact of their drug use until someone tells them. Each person needs to recognize that they are in trouble before they will listen. It might be good to write down specific examples of how and why you think they have a problem.
Explain why the Drug Use is a Problem
Explain how your friend’s addiction negatively affects others.
Explain the problem to them. Some people can pass their drug or alcohol use off as just the way they are. You need to explain why there is a problem. It might be something that they do or have done. It could also be something that they have done to another person. It is important that the user understands why you are talking to them and why their drug use is a problem. Simply stating that there is a problem usually does not work. It takes specifics in order for people to realize that there is a serious issue.
Make Sure they Know that you are their Friend
Part of talking to them is letting them know that you are a friend and that you are talking to them because you are concerned for their wellbeing and their help. Sometimes when talking to a friend out drug use, they will think that you are out to get them. They need to know that you are their friend and are only trying to help.
Ask them to Seek Treatment
Ask them to find help. Make it a request rather than a demand. By asking them, you leave the choice up to them. Let them know you are concerned and that you want them to be okay. By making the request you are telling them that you are willing to help them find the treatment that they need.
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