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All About the Steps of Drug Rehab

It's time to look into drug rehab programs!

It’s time to look into drug rehab programs!

The process of addiction rehabilitation and getting sober differs from one patient to the next but there are always some similarities involved with each. For instance, everyone who decides to get sober will have to take steps to overcome physical dependence on drugs and to overcome psychological implications of the drug abuse. The steps of drug rehab typically go something like this:

  • Patient decides to go to drug rehabilitation
  • The intake and assessment process takes place
  • Detox begins
  • Psychiatric counseling and rehabilitation take place
  • Recovery and aftercare programs are initiated to prevent relapse

Each of these steps is vital to the successful recovery of the patient regardless of the type of drug he or she is addicted to or other factors. In some cases, this entire process may take about half a year while in other cases, the steps of drug rehab could last multiple years and require long term, ongoing care. This all depends on factors such as the individual health of the patient, the severity of the addiction and other factors on a case-by-case basis.

When the patient initially decides that he or she is ready to enter drug rehab, the process or searching for the best treatment for their addiction will begin. The National Association on Drug Abuse recommends taking the time to research the quality and effectiveness of each drug rehab program prior to choosing a program for your recovery or for the recovery of a loved one. Additionally, it is recommended that anyone attending drug rehab seek a program of treatment that is at least three months long.

During intake, assessment of the patient will take place to determine individual health, severity of the addiction and the presences of other co-occurring disorders or conditions which may require further treatment. It’s important to be honest during intake and to provide the rehab staff with the best information that you can. If your addiction has you in a state in which you cannot answer questions correctly, it may be best to have a significant other or loved one with you who can help during the intake process to get the drug rehabilitation process rolling along more smoothly.

Following intake you will be admitted into drug rehab. The time in which you are in rehab will depend on various factors such as the standard program length, the time that it takes to detox, the time that you wish to remain in treatment and the rapidness of your recovery. If you work hard at recovery, you could finish treatment in the inpatient or residential drug rehabilitation program in a period of about 90 days but if your addiction or more severe or requires further attention this time could be prolonged by as much as 6 months or more.

After detox and rehabilitation which includes psychiatric counseling has been completed, that patient will continue to receive the services of a rehabilitation in the form of aftercare. These follow-up care methods may include help finding a job, help finding a home, support in group meetings, occupational therapy, continued counseling and random drug testing to ensure maintained abstinence from drug or alcohol abuse. All of these conditions come together to provide patients with quality, effective approaches to drug addiction treatment that work.

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