You should understand the intake process in drug rehab!
When it comes to finding drug rehab there’s definitely not much question about the availability of programs that are readily available to assist patients. What there is a major question about tends to the the intake process and what a patient can expect when they first enter drug rehab. Every program is different and more than likely, if you’ve been to drug rehab before, you’ll still experience a slightly different approach when you enter rehab again simply because the intake process is different from program to program.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse recommends certain factors be considered prior to making a final decision on drug rehab. These factors include:
The difference in various methods of treatment that are available and how each may or may not work for your individual needs
The time commitment that it really takes to get well and to stay in treatment in order to effectively overcome drug addiction
The various areas of an individual’s life which should be addressed in treatment or rehab including family, relationships, past or present emotional status and health
Other disorders such as co-occurring addiction or mental illness which must be treated
What to Expect in Intake
During drug rehab intake the patient will go through a series of assessments and questionnaires that will help the counselor, therapist or treatment staff to understand the needs of the patient. You are expected to answer each question to the best of your ability and as fully and honestly as possible. The answers that you provide to the health, addiction and psychological related questions that are asked of your during drug rehab intake will play a key role in helping the treatment staff to define an effective protocol of treatment and care for your addiction.
The intake process may seem a little bit scary at first as you are just getting acquainted with the rehab center, you are just getting acquainted with the staff and you are also probably dealing with some emotional & physical stress associated with coming down or no longer using your substance of choice. During the intake assessment, you will be asked questions about these feelings and your physical health will be checked, vitals monitored and other actions taken to ensure that the rehab center has a full workup of your health history, current condition and past or present drug abuse situation so that they can create a care plan that’s right for your individual needs and that will work.
Remember that the key to professional treatment in a drug rehab center is to be open and honest during the intake process. Don’t worry about the answers being a danger to your own well-being because you are protected by patient privileges and privacy once you begin answering questions to the rehabilitation staff at the facility in which you choose to get help. The intake process will be an informative time for both you and the treatment staff to find out what your addiction is, how bad it is and how help can be devised to ensure your well-being.
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