Local rehab programs can help you stay close to your loved ones.
Patients who are treated at local rehab centers undergo their rehabilitation in a safe environment that is in close proximity to their friends and family making them feel a little more at ease. For the recovering addict, there is a sense of ease knowing their surroundings, not that they are home but in an area where they are familiar. They tend to feel as though their support system is in a place that is reachable to them. It becomes a very important part of their treatment and support system as they begin to recover.
To locate a local alcohol or drug addiction treatment programs in your area:
Talk to your primary care physician
Contact your health insurance company
If you are employed find out if your job offers an employee assistance program with addiction counseling
Call local mental health clinics, community health centers, and hospitals
If you need assistance in finding a local rehab center in your area contact samhsa.gov.
Treatment programs at local rehab centers are designed to help patients overcome their addiction with the assistance of trained psychologists, psychiatrists and addiction specialists. For most types of drug or alcohol addiction, being treated at a local rehab center provides a much more effective and successful way to treat the addiction as opposed to other methods of treatment or no treatment at all.
What to look for in a local treatment program
Accreditation and licensing- When researching be sure that the treatment program is accredited by the state it’s in. Licensed, well-trained mental health professionals and addiction specialists should run each program.
Effective results of the programs methods- All treatment centers should have at least some statistics on their success rates, preferably from an objective outside agency such as a state or federal agency.
Aftercare programs –What type of aftercare programs do they have to prevent a recovering addict from relapse? Do they provide referrals to other recovery services and support groups within the community prior to a person’s discharge? You must be sure that a staff member will collaborate with you and either a sponsor or family member who is planning to support you to create a discharge plan before you are discharged from the program.
For a person addicted to drugs or alcohol, entering a treatment program at a local rehab center is the first step towards recovery. A recovery program will be developed that is specific to the person’s circumstance and the best for their eventual recovery. In addition, there are many types of social support and counseling which are provided and have been very effective at helping the recovering addict through the many different challenges of recovery from drug addiction. By remaining in a local rehab program, the familiarity of having supportive family and friends nearby may ease the transition into other phases of the program. For some recovering addicts, this will play a key role in their recovery.
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