This is the first in a series of content that is set to fully detail and explain drug rehab, the steps of rehab, how it works, what to expect and how you will embark on a journey to recovery. Each individual recovery journey is slightly different but the means by which patients recover in drug rehab tend to be quite similar and they often share the same guidelines. For instance, the steps of drug rehab are typically outlined in the same manner from one program to the next and the intake process is typically much the same from one drug rehab to the next.
Your journey to sobriety will likely be an ongoing feat that takes great effort and pride on your part but it will be well worth it when you can say you have one year, two years, ten years or more in recovery from addiction—that’s what it’s all about! As with any journey, the steps that you take to sobriety will begin with small goals that lead to bigger, more pronounced benefits and goals along the way. Don’t forget to reward yourself for accomplishments and for your efforts and to keep a positive attitude.’
How Much Does Drug Rehab Cost?
You may be wondering what this will all cost for you? Drug rehab can cost as little as a couple of hundred dollars a month or as much as more than 100K per month—this all depends on the type of treatment that you choose, the facility that you go to and various other factors associated with your recovery. For the average person, many of the costs associated with drug rehab can be offset by insurance coverage and sliding fee scales that are offered at many community or public rehabilitation programs.
Should I Choose Inpatient or Outpatient Drug Rehab?
A major factor that you will need to consider before you even begin the search for local drug rehab programs that can help you is whether or not you need inpatient treatment. Your main options for treatment include inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab. Inpatient drug rehab is more costly but also more guarded, heavily monitored and more effective. If you are physically dependent on drugs, have been for quite some time or have tried other methods of drug rehab in the past, inpatient rehab is probably the best option for you.
For some, the ability to come and go as you choose is not only a luxury but a necessity. If you have young children whom you care for, you have a solid job that you cannot be away from or there are other ties that prevent you from admitting yourself into inpatient rehab, you may find that outpatient drug rehab is a more suitable choice. These programs can work but are not recommended for those who are highly physically dependent on drugs.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that you will have to do your homework before making any final decisions on drug rehab. Each program is different, the costs can differ quite significantly from one to the next and the method of treatment that is best for you may not be what you initially thought. By researching your options you can make a fully informed and more educated decision about your treatment, rehabilitation and the beginning steps along your journey to recovery.
Teen alcohol abuse is on a significant rise and has been for many years. The result is the need for more teen alcohol rehab centers that can provide specialized treatment for adolescents who abuse alcohol. Alcohol rehab for teens is an essential part of the recovery process and a must since the human brain has….
Maybe you are unfamiliar with drug rehab or maybe you only know a little bit about it, the fact is though that you probably have many questions concerning drug rehab and this is likely the reason that you aren’t there yet. People fear the unknown and therefore many refrain from seeking help for drug addiction….
You might have heard the expression all addicts lie. This is true, all addicts due lie. One of the people that they lie to the most is themselves. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one of the characteristics of drug abuse is lying. It is very difficult to tell whether or not you….
About Holistic Drug Rehab Holistic drug rehab is a way for people to receive the help they need to detox and learn to manage their drug addiction, without the use of medication and unnatural resources. Holistic rehab program focus on a person finding balance and learning to manage their own addiction. According to the Center….
For individuals who are addicted to alcohol, Christian alcohol rehab may provide the most hopeful chance for a full recovery. Christian alcohol rehab centers heal the spirit of those suffering from addiction by providing a rounded approach to recovery that includes a foundation built on the principles of the bible. Christian alcohol rehab centers consider….
Formal drug addiction treatment at a traditional rehab facility is still considered to be the best possible option for most individuals with substance use disorders. Formal treatment can be either in an inpatient or outpatient-based facility, and usually consists of a treatment plan including medication, therapy, and several other medical care options (depending on the….
For a lot of people, 12 step programs, like Alcoholics Anonymous, are mistakenly assumed to be part of all drug and alcohol treatment. For people who reject the fundamentals of the 12 step model, such as belief in a higher power, this confusion may lead to people avoiding rehab because they believe they will either….
Despite the American Psychological Association’s doubts that internet addiction can be considered an actual addiction there are points that an obsession with the internet fits the definition. The persistent and compulsive use of the internet to the determent of a person’s life or livelihood definitely exists. Many people report that the internet has ruined their….
“Your past will come back to haunt you,” it’s a phrase that so many addicts remember and equally regret having ever heard and yet as sobriety looms near so too do memories of the past. Drug addiction creates a chaotic atmosphere that is plagued by arrests, fighting with friends, family and loved ones, and hundreds….
Chronic alcohol consumption can have many negative effects on the body and dramatically impairs brain development. Long term alcohol abuse causes dementia, physical dependence and the shrinkage of the brain. While there is some evidence that suggests that alcohol consumption in a low to moderate manner can have some positive health benefits the literature to….