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Am I Lying to Myself About My Addiction?

You might have heard the expression all addicts lie. This is true, all addicts due lie. One of the people that they lie to the most is themselves. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one of the characteristics of drug abuse is lying. It is very difficult to tell whether or not you are you are lying to yourself. Self deception is one of the easiest things to practice and one of the hardest things to detect. When you are addicted to a drug, you might ask yourself if you are practicing self deception to help enable your drug use.

Realize your Behavior

One thing that is common with all addictions and probably the most difficult to see in yourself, is then you refuse to accept responsibility. It you find yourself making excuses for your behavior, there is a good chance that you are lying to yourself. Many people who have issues with addiction do this.

You give yourself reasons why you use the drugs or alcohol. These reasons could be:

  • I use drugs or drink because of the stress at work.
  • My family causes me to drink or use drugs.
  • Everyone around me is doing it I will look bad if I don’t do it.
  • My friends will think I am no fun if I don’t use.
  • I can’t have a good time if I am not drunk or high.

These reasons are all very common for drug addicts and alcoholics. If you tell yourself any of these things chances are you are lying to yourself about your problem.

Check your Emotions

Lying to Myself

Becoming defensive when approached about your substance abuse is a sign of addiction.

If when someone says something about your drinking or drug use, you automatically get angry chances are you are lying about your problem. When we have an emotional reaction to something, our mind is trying to tell us something. Usually when these feelings are negative, it means that you are hiding something from yourself. Each person has their own version of this.

If something inspires a negative emotion, chances are it is a sensitive subject. It is important that you examine why you are reacting the way that you are to the subject. Very often you will find that you are lying to yourself.

Notice your Thought Patterns

If you start thinking in black and white or extremes chances are you are lying to yourself about the subject. If you think that you cannot live without the drugs or alcohol or that you are perfectly fine drinking or doing drugs chances are this is a lie. The extremes of thought indicate that you are hiding something from yourself. When you start hiding things from yourself, you start to erase the negatives of the behavior and start to think in black and white.

Understanding Alcohol Abuse & Dependence

Call Someone who Can Help

If you think you are lying to yourself about your addiction call someone who can help. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers?. We can help you sort out the lies from the truth.

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