4 Ways to Admit Someone Into Rehab When They Need It
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are a number of ways to get someone to go to rehab and these ways do not always need to be voluntary. If you are trying to talk someone into going to a qualified rehab, it is important to go about it the right way. Many of these ways work, based on the personality of the person who needs rehab.
1. Encourage Them to Go
The best way to get someone to go to rehab is through encouragement. If they know and are willing to admit that they do, encouragement might just be enough to make them go. Then once they make that decision, take them to the rehab, and admit them. This is the preferable way to admit someone into rehab.
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2. Stage an Intervention
Interventions are only partially effective. You can get someone to go by essentially blackmailing the into rehab. By using threats and intimidation, an intervention can work to admit someone into rehab. Although not all interventions work this way, typically people learn what their family thinks about their continued drug use. Once this is done, someone is assigned to take them to a rehab facility and admit them. Most intervention admissions are not voluntary admissions to rehab.
3. Point out the Negatives of their Drug Use
Pointing out the potential consequences of their addiction may convince them to attend rehab.
Similar to staging an intervention pointing out the negatives to drug use helps to show the user that you are serious about them seeking treatment. Making sure that they know that there is jail time in their future is a good way to strongly encourage them to seek treatment.
You can also go another more aggressive route and call the police on them when you know that they have drugs on them. Sometimes arrest is the best method of teaching someone that their drug use has become a problem. It is important to make sure that you are positive this is something that you want to do. It can cause serious harm to your relationship with that person.
4. Some States Have Laws that Allow Family Members or Qualified Individuals to Force Someone into Rehab
There are some states that have acts in their legislature that allows a family member or three persons known to the individual to commit someone to a mental illness, drug, or alcohol rehab. These laws allow someone who is concerned that their loved one is self destructive or might harm others.
The usual wording to this is “harmful to themselves or others,” and it allows someone to be lawfully committed for 72 hours. In this case a psychiatrist or doctor talks to the patient within the 72 hours in order to establish whether there is a drug, alcohol, or mental health problem or not.
Family members and certain officials have this power. Usually police, doctors, and close family can have someone committed against their will. Like having someone arrested this needs to be done very carefully.
For more information on this or on rehab in general call us at 888-646-0635Who Answers?.
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