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Florida Drug Rehab Center Provides Trauma Resolution to Help Heal Patients

Palm Partners Recovery Center of Delray Beach, Florida provides patients with Rapid Trauma Resolution as an alternative to reliving trauma as a means of healing.

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Let us help you find the drug rehab program you need to overcome your addiction!

Rapid Trauma Resolution at Palm Partners Recovery Center can be used to help individuals who feel like they are stuck or unable to change their feelings, thoughts or behavior patterns as a result of their past experiences. In essence, a trauma is not always a horrific or tragic event. Any event that continues to cause a negative influence on an individual is considered a traumatic experience. These experiences are not always in our frontal memory, they are often suppressed or forgotten altogether yet they continue to have a negative influence and impact on day to day situations.

Rapid Trauma Resolution Therapy at Palm Partners Recovery Center helps patients to develop the necessary coping skills to help them deal with incidents in a positive manner. Rapid Resolution Therapy can help patients to eliminate negative emotional or behavioral influence that traumatic events have on a person’s life without the need to relive these events, thus traumatic experiences that are remembered, forgotten or suppressed can all be healed.

Patients have described Rapid Resolution Therapy as healing, mind clearing, and calming. The philosophy of Rapid Resolution Therapy is that when the mind is cleared and organized and dramatic improvements are made to thoughts, feelings and behaviors, the unconscious conflicts that block desired change are pinpointed and can be resolved. Once resolved, positive change takes over and the patient can move on productively.

Some of the problems that can be treated using Rapid Resolution Therapy at Palm Partners Recovery Center of Delray Beach, Florida include: Anxiety, depression, phobias and fears, addiction and drug dependency, insomnia, jealousy, grief, sexual issues, rage, resentment, low self esteem and PTSD. Traumatic experiences can affect emotions, thinking, behaviors and every aspect of an individual’s life causing negative influence that prevents positive change from occurring. With the help of Rapid Resolution Therapy, individuals who have suffered a range of traumatic past events can effectively overcome the negative strongholds and move on positively.

For more information about trauma and Rapid Resolution Therapy contact Palm Partners Recovery Center of Delray Beach, Florida @ 888-646-0635Who Answers? or visit the Palm Partners website at

About Palm Partners Recovery Center

Palm Partners Recovery Center offers various types of drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs
including residential drug addiction treatment, inpatient treatment and outpatient treatment as well as
extended and follow up care. The drug and alcohol treatment programs offered at Palm Partners
Recovery Center are individually tailored to meet the needs of the each patient offering a full range of
care, living arrangements, independent living options and extended care.

The Palm Partners Recovery Center treatment programs take a traditional and non traditional approach
incorporating the philosophy of a 12-step model that is combined with various health and wellness
practices to promote long term recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. In addition to providing a
full range of drug addiction services, Palm Partners Recovery Center also offers yoga, fitness therapy,
healthy lifestyle options, nutrition counseling and various recreational activities to help promote a
healthy recovery.

For more information about the services offered at Palm Partners Recovery Center or to speak with a
qualified admissions counselor at Palm Coast Recovery Center, contact the facility at 877-711-4673 or
visit the Palm Partners Recovery Center website at

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