Group and Individual Counseling – What’s the Difference?
Group and individual counseling can help you overcome your addiction!
You may be wondering what you can expect if you enlist in counseling at drug rehab centers. What really happens in those therapy sessions and how come some of them are one on one individual sessions with a counselor while others are given in a group format? If you are unsure about the way that group therapy or individual counseling sessions work, read on to find out exactly what the difference is between the two.
Individual Counseling at Drug Rehab Centers
Individual counseling is given in a private session that is one on one with the counselor and the patient. The counselor will work with you to develop treatment goals and also to guide you through the entire treatment process. Individual counseling is also a time for reflection on previous counseling sessions and how they relate to your own individual treatment goals.
Individual counseling at drug rehab centers provides addicts with a time to discuss personal and painful matters “behind closed doors.” Understanding that many addicts have suffered trauma, abuse and other tragic or painful life experiences, counselors are compassionate and understanding and can help addicts to overcome the painful emotional trauma. Your counselor supports you every step of the way through drug treatment, group sessions and following discharge from the rehab center.
Group Therapy Sessions at Drug Rehab Centers
Group therapy is another type of counseling that is offered at drug rehab centers. In group therapy, a number of different people are brought together to discuss their situations, feelings and goals. Group therapy is a way for addicts to work out their drug addiction problems with the help of their peers who, in many cases, have been through similar situations or worse.
In group therapy, the other addicts will be supportive of you and your addiction. Your peers can put some things into a different perspective for you and may be able to help you come to new realizations about your own addiction and recovery efforts. Groups are all different just as all addictions are different. Group therapy can be a very positive form of treatment at drug rehab centers.
When in group therapy, you should try to make every effort to participate as much as possible but don’t be afraid of being considered “not part of the group” if you are uneasy or don’t always have much to add in. If you have little to share, just make sure that you are respecting the others in the group by listening to what they have to say. Profound change and growth can be found in group therapy sessions that are guided by therapists and counselors at drug rehab centers.
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