Are Free Inpatient Rehab Centers Too Good to Be True?
Free inpatient rehab centers actually do exist. Though these facilities are not as common as paid inpatient facilities, they can be found and patients in need are able to receive 24-hour care in a controlled environment which can significantly help their chances of making a successful recovery from addiction.
How Many Facilities are Free?
According to SAMHSA, 4.0% of substance abuse treatment facilities are “all free.” some of these are outpatient centers while some are inpatient. Often, inpatient facilities are much more expensive, given the extra amount of care, classes, and treatments they often provide, but there are some that exist to help needy patients attend the kind of treatment they need.
Who Runs These Facilities?
You can find free drug and alcohol rehab!
SAMHSA states that “among facilities offering ‘no free’ care, approximately equal percentages were operated by private for-profit (46.9 percent) and private nonprofit (46.4 percent) organizations.” However, most of the facilities that provide partial free or all free care are run by private nonprofit organizations.
These facilities can often be government-run but can sometimes be handled by private organizations. Either way, it is important to look into the organization running the inpatient facility and to ask:
How do they keep the facility open?
Where do their funds come from?
Are they required to meet a certain set of standards?
Having this knowledge can help you decide if one of these facilities may be right for you.
Are These Facilities Reputable?
For the most part, yes. But again, it is important to look into what a free inpatient rehab center is offering in order to decide whether or not it will be worth your time. Using an Internet database or SAMHSA‘s treatment service locator may allow you to find out important information about these particular facilities, including:
The more information you know about your facility going in the better it is for your comfort level. Many people do not realize how important it is that you feel comfortable in your facility.
Are Their Stipulations on the Patients These Centers Accept?
Some free drug rehab centers will only accept patients who can prove that they have no other way of paying for treatment. Others are more lenient in this way. But there are facilities that also provide partial free inpatient treatment or treatment on a sliding fee scale. In fact, these centers make up the majority of substance abuse treatment facilities, according to SAMHSA.
You may have trouble finding a free inpatient drug rehab center at first, but they do exist and can be extremely helpful to those who need inpatient treatment but do not have the funds to pay. Those most in need are individuals with no strong support systems and a high risk of psychiatric issues or mental disorders; these individuals will benefit immensely from inpatient rehab centers. Although they are not easy to find, it can be a worthy option to search for if you need inpatient treatment but do not have the funds necessary for most facilities.
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