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Addiction and Homelessness: Interconnected Battles

When it comes to abusing drugs and alcohol, the consequences can be extreme. There are legal ramifications, damage to family relationships, and issues that arise at work. But a common occurrence that doesn’t get a lot of light shined on it is the relationship between addiction and homelessness.

Stability Is Hard for Addicted Individuals

Homelessness is more common among the addicted than other populations. Over one in five homeless persons are addicted, and general problems that addiction creates makes homelessness more likely.

Things like losing a job because of poor performance caused by alcohol or drug use and the loss of income that’s associated with it can make it more likely for an addicted individual to fall into homelessness. Estrangement with family and friends can also lead to housing difficulties. And once out of a place to live, it can be difficult to find one.

Addicts and alcoholics are more likely to have issues with landlords and roommates, as well as having difficulty finding good references for housing applications.

A Holistic Approach

Addiction and Homelessness

The consequences of addiction often lead to homelessness.

While many say that getting clean is the first thing that an individual must do, it doesn’t always work that way. When someone is worried about where he’s going to lay his head that night, getting clean isn’t the first thing on his mind.

Basic needs, such as shelter, clothing, and food must be meant before an individual is capable of working on other things, including sobriety. That’s why taking a holistic, whole person approach is often necessary for the recovery process.

If you’re looking for a holistic approach to addiction, call us today at 888-646-0635Who Answers? to learn about different treatment options and get the help you need to get and stay sober.

Supportive Housing Options

Because housing stabilization is difficult for those who are addicted, supportive housing is often a good option. With a combination of intensive support and case management, supportive housing can help addicts find a safe and secure, as well as drug free, place live for the chronically homeless.

Problems of Homelessness

When a person is homeless, addiction is just one of the many problems he or she faces. There’s typically way more problems than just finding a safe place to sleep. These include the following:

  • Health problems
  • Finding appropriate health care
  • Increase risk of being a victim of a crime
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Access to education
  • Access to social services

Drug Fatalities

Among homeless people, drug overdoses have surpassed HIV and AIDS as the number one cause of death.

For those people who are homeless and between the ages of 25 and 44, opiod overdoses, specifically, cause over one-third of all deaths. With the current epidemic of prescription pain pills and heroin that the country is facing, it’s only going to get worse.

Are You Losing Control Because of Addiction?

Are you addicted? Are drugs and alcohol causing your life to spin out of control? Then it’s time to call 888-646-0635Who Answers?. Our addiction professionals are available to talk to you about treatment options, answer your questions, and get you the help you need. Make the call that will keep you off the streets today.

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