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The Cost of Drug Rehab

Find out your resources to help you pay for drug rehab.

Find out your resources to help you pay for drug rehab.

Drug rehab pricing varies from one rehab center to the next. Many drug rehab centers are by far too expensive for the average individual to pay for, especially once addiction has already set in and the person has hit rock bottom. Depending on the type of drug rehab services that you seek as well as the location of the drug rehab center the cost of drug rehab will range significantly. Here’s a look at how you can pool together your resources to come up with the necessary financial backing to get the addiction treatment that you need for a drug rehab center.

Insurance Options for Drug Rehab

Not all insurers will provide drug rehab insurance coverage and some may only provide limited coverage that is difficult to understand. If you do have a medical insurance policy, then the first step is to determine what type of drug rehab coverage you have—you may have to contact your insurance agent for these details. If you do not have drug rehab insurance or medical insurance that covers drug rehab then you may want to research your insurance options to determine if getting a drug rehab insurance policy could benefit you.

If you have already previously undergone drug addiction treatment then there is also a chance that your entering into a new drug rehab program will be considered an existing condition and will not be covered by your insurer. Discuss this possibility with your insurance agent before making a final decision on what portion of the cost of drug rehab will actually be covered by your insurance. Additional factors to consider include how long your it will take of your insurance to pay the claim, whether the rehab center will process these claims for you and also what portion will not be covered by the insurance.

Financing Options for Drug Rehab

There are many different financing options for drug rehab depending on the specific rehab center that you choose. For instance, some drug rehab centers will accept partial payments from you and finance the total cost of drug rehab over time so that it is more affordable to you. For instance, the drug rehab center may require that you place a percentage down before entering treatment and then make monthly payments for the duration of your addiction treatment. If your insurance does not fully cover the cost of your drug rehab treatment then you should contact the rehab center to determine if they have any type of flexible payment plans or financing options that would work for you.

Other Drug Rehab Payment Options

Once you have exhausted any insurance coverage that you may have for drug rehab and you have made affordable payment plans you may still find a gap in the cost of your drug treatment and the amount that you can pay. Luckily there are other drug rehab options that can help you to further reduce the cost of your drug treatment. For instance, if you cannot afford a long term inpatient drug treatment program, you may consider a shorter inpatient treatment followed by a less expensive sober living facility or outpatient care. Additionally, you can always seek state assistance, county assistance or the assistance of your friends and family to cover the cost gap for drug rehab. Consider all options to assure that you get the maximum affordable treatment for the maximum affordable time period for the best chance of long term sobriety.

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