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New Jersey Treatment Center Will Expand

A treatment center in New Jersey announced its plans for expansion on March 19, 2018. Expansion will begin in the spring of this year for the Ambrosia Treatment Center, which has its main campus in Medford. The campus will be getting a new building that will include rooms for patients and a dining hall as well as medical and clinical facilities. At least 30 new beds will be added to the campus, which will allow more people coming from all across New Jersey itself as well as nearby states like Pennsylvania and Delaware to get the treatment they need.

The facility has served approximately 1,400 people since it began treating patients in 2015, and those with mental disorders and addictions are welcome to receive treatment at this facility. The program’s executive director Joseph Curran says, with this new expansion, the treatment center will “be able to help out a lot more people, which is the ultimate goal.”

What Is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis is when a person who is suffering from a substance use disorder is also diagnosed with a mental disorder like schizophrenia, depression, PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, or bipolar disorder. Of course, there are many other types of mental disorders with which a person might be diagnosed, but these are some of the most common that are also associated with addiction.

• A person with dual diagnosis usually experienced addiction and a mental disorder around the same time. Sometimes, it is difficult to determine which occurred first (National Institute on Drug Abuse).
o Dual diagnosis is not uncommon among individuals with either issue.
o Those who suffer from an addiction are twice as likely as the rest of the population to develop or suffer from a mental disorder.
o The reverse of this statement is also true.
• Dual diagnosis can be confusing, as many people see their mental illness and their addiction as highly intertwined.
o Addiction can cause a mental illness while the inability to cope with a mental illness can drive a person to drug or alcohol abuse. Either one can cause or be caused by the other.
o Unfortunately, both problems have a serious stigma against them in our current society, which is why most people try to ignore them or refuse to believe they are suffering from either problem. If they understand or admit to one, they may refuse to acknowledge the other.

What Is the Treatment for Dual Diagnosis?

Treatment for dual diagnosis requires simultaneous care for both issues. If only one is treated, the untreated issue could cause a relapse in the other. This is why both must be assessed, acknowledged, and treated at the same time.

Any person who enters treatment for addiction or a mental disorder must be assessed for the presence of the other issue. In many cases, this initial assessment occurs during detox treatment, which is often the first step in recovery.

Where Can I Learn More About Rehab, Detox and Addiction Treatment?

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