Whether or not a patient is in need of aftercare depends strongly on their state of recovery when their treatment program at a rehab center ends. However, there are many different types of aftercare available, and attending another type of treatment after one’s time in a rehab center is over is often helpful.
What Options are Available to Me?
Almost any type of treatment program can be a kind of aftercare if it is the right move for the patient after leaving rehab. Often, patients who are leaving inpatient facilities fare better when they move to an outpatient program as their aftercare treatment, and individuals who have finished an outpatient program usually require less surveillance and intensity in the program they choose. Still, there are many options available:
There are also options that can be useful to patients who still need help at home once they leave their residential facility. According to a study from the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, “Lack of a stable, alcohol and drug free living environment can be a serious obstacle to sustained abstinence,” and places like sober living houses or halfway houses can help those without a stable home to go to. Many individuals move to these programs as aftercare treatment and either attend outpatient care, support group meetings, or both.
There are many different types of aftercare programs, but finding one that works for you is essential. If one of these options seems like it would be beneficial to you, it can be helpful to do research in order to decide if it is the best step to take next in your recovery.
Do I Need Aftercare?
Aftercare provides social support that may be lacking at home.
You may still be wondering if aftercare is necessary for you. The truth is that attending further treatment is almost always helpful and can aid you in creating a stronger recovery. Once you leave your rehab program, your recovery isn’t over. Consider the questions below, and ask yourself if aftercare is right for you.
Do I still feel that I have a high chance of relapse?
Am I nervous about leaving my rehab program?
Do I need help with certain things, like finding a job or a new home?
Do I have a small social support network and feel that it would be helpful to me to have more people in my life who support my recovery from addiction?
Is my home life less stable than the treatment facility was?
Have I spoken to my doctor about aftercare?
If you believe you will encounter problems in your home or by being without the controlled environment of inpatient care, a sober living or halfway house could be beneficial to you. Outpatient care could be helpful if you feel you require further formal treatment. If you want to meet other individuals like you, support group meetings could be highly beneficial.
Aftercare is often helpful to everyone, and if you are wondering whether or not you need to attend some sort of post-treatment program, you likely would benefit from it. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today to discuss the options available to you and to find out which might be most helpful in your current situation.
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