What is Alcohol Rehab?

Let alcohol rehab help you overcome your addiction!
Alcoholism is a serious condition that affects thousands of Americans. Fortunately, for those suffering from alcoholism there are alcohol rehab centers that can provide a safe place for recovery from this dangerous and devastating addiction. Alcohol rehab is a program that consists of a core treatment which is typically detox, the counseling that is followed by aftercare for long term sobriety and the recovery from alcoholism.
There are two primary types of alcohol rehab centersĀ –Ā inpatient alcohol rehab and outpatient alcohol rehab. Inpatient alcohol rehab centers provide around the clock treatment and care for alcoholism while outpatient alcohol rehab centers provide limited care and then allow the addict to return home after the treatment. For those suffering from alcoholism, it is highly recommended that an inpatient alcohol treatment program be chosen over outpatient care. Studies show that those who attend a long term inpatient alcohol rehab program are more likely to succeed at recovery and maintain long term sobriety.
Who Needs Alcohol Rehab?
You may not realize that you are addicted to alcohol but maybe you have started to have problems at work or school, or maybe your having problems at home in your family relationships. If you are an alcohol drinker than this may be a sign that you may have a problem with alcohol. If you have noticed that you are addicted to alcohol and you have tried to stop but cannot do it on your own then you are suffering from alcoholism and need the help of an alcoholism rehab center to stop.
Anyone who uses alcohol to cover up pain, to mask the problems of life or abuses alcohol as a means of socializing may need the help of alcohol rehab. Further, if you notice that you once drank socially and now you drink whether you are with people or you are alone then you should seek alcohol rehab. If alcohol has caused you to get in trouble with the law such as a DUI or you have gotten in trouble for being intoxicated in public then you should seek the care of an alcohol rehab program.
Individuals who have tried to stop drinking but to no avail find themselves drinking again despite the negative consequences should seek the care of alcohol rehab. Alcohol rehab can help treat any pain or underlying mental anguish or problems that are causing excessive alcohol use. There’s no need to go through it alone, alcohol rehab centers are here to help.
Preparing for Alcohol Rehab
If you have decided to enter into an alcohol rehab program than chances are you are wondering what is going to happen next. Each alcoholism rehab program has it’s own treatment plan and care but the typically follow the same guide of detox, counseling and aftercare. Detox from alcohol is the very first step of the alcohol rehabilitation process and should always be done under the supervision and care of a qualified alcohol rehab center in case any serious medical complication arise as a result of the detox.
Following the alcohol detox, the real treatment will begin. This is the phase of alcoholism rehab that focuses on treating any psychological problems that may have led to or may have come as a result of the alcoholism. Counseling in the form of both individual and group counseling is the most common type of therapy used during this phase of alcoholism rehab. Every recovering alcoholic is given a chance to work through their psychological problems in hopes of regaining control of their lives without the need for alcohol or drugs.
Alcohol rehab can help an addict to overcome the harmful addiction to alcohol that is ruining his or her life. The qualified staff and counselors at alcohol rehab centers provide the care and treatment for each patient to learn, grow and live alcohol free.