Understanding the signs of addiction can save your life!
It may be simple to determine if an individual is addicted to drugs or alcohol once they have been using for many years and the addiction has progressed to such an advanced stage that they use daily, suffer withdrawal symptoms when they aren’t using and are clearly in trouble. Unfortunately, by this point addiction has been an issue for a long time and the need for help has never been greater. But how do you tell if someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol before the addiction has progressed to such an advanced stage?
What are the Telltale Signs of Addiction?
Tolerance is one of the most significant signs of addiction and the first sign that addiction is eminent. When an individual needs more and more of a substance in order to feel the same effects they are beginning to build a tolerance to the substance and this is a sure sign that addiction is on it’s way. When a tolerance is built up, the individual will also suffer subsequent withdrawal symptoms if the substance is abruptly eliminated. Tolerance is a sure sign that help is needed.
When an individual is constantly thinking about getting high or drinking they are addicted. If the idea of getting high or having a drink is always present in the mind then addiction is definitely a problem. While you may not be able to tell if this is an issue because a loved one may not always tell you they are thinking about their substance of choice, you may notice that they are concerned with something else and that their thoughts are elsewhere.
The length of time that an addict will use drugs is much longer than the length of time that they are actually feeling the pleasurable effects of the drug. For instance, when addiction sets in, using the drug for fun is no longer the plan. Long after the fun has stopped, long after the party is over, the addict continues to use despite not feeling any pleasurable effects of the drug use. This is a sure sign that help is needed and an individual should consider drug rehab.
Over time, drug abuse turns into drug addiction. An individual who needs help for addiction will often want to stop using but despite the withdrawal symptoms that they feel and the other pains that they addiction has caused they will continue to use. A sure sign of addiction is noticed when an addict consumes more and more of a drug, feels less and less pleasure, wants to stop and can’t. Help should be sought at a drug rehab center in order to overcome these obstacles of addiction.
Seeking Help for Drug Addiction
Once you realize that you are addicted to drugs it’s important to seek help. Although drug addiction is a devastating condition there are many forms of help available and a full recovery is possible. Some of the most common types of rehab centers include holistic rehab centers, alternative rehab centers and 12-step treatment centers. Depending on the type of addiction that you suffer from and the level of the addiction or the severity of it you may find help in an inpatient rehab center or an outpatient rehab center. It’s never too late to seek help for drug addiction.
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