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How Do Rehab Centers Help Me Overcome Hydrocodone Addiction?

Hydrocodone, a prescription opioid drug, offers fast and effective relief for conditions involving moderate to severe pain symptoms. Unfortunately, these pain-relieving properties come with certain “pleasant” side effects that can promote abuse and eventual addiction.

Anyone struggling with hydrocodone addiction well knows how this drug can overpower any intentions one may have to stop using the drug.

Rehab center treatment offers a range of treatment interventions, each of which addresses different aspects of your addiction problem. As hydrocodone addiction takes root within the body and the mind, rehab center programs treat both the physical and psychological while helping you develop a drug-free lifestyle.

Hydrocodone Addiction’s Effects

Overcome Hydrocodone Addiction

Rehab centers address the underlying emotional issues that drive drug using behaviors.

Many people start out taking hydrocodone as a pain treatment, only to end up battling a drug abuse problem. Likewise, the recreational use of this drug all but guarantees a person will become addicted. Once addicted, the physical and psychological effects of the drug work against any efforts a person makes to stop using.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, hydrocodone has a cumulative effect on the brain, altering chemical pathways and impairing neurotransmitter production processes.

These effects turn the brain into a hydrocodone-dependent environment. Over time, this dependence starts to affects a person’s thinking and behaviors and eventually drives the compulsive drug use that characterizes hydrocodone addiction.

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Hydrocodone Rehab Center Treatment

Withdrawal Treatment

As with any form of addiction treatment, hydrocodone rehab treatment begins at the detoxification stage where a person stands to experience severe withdrawal effects, such as:

  • Body aches
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Alternating fevers and chills
  • Depression
  • Sleeplessness

According to Harvard Health Publications, rehab centers may administer medication therapies, such as methadone to help relieve the discomfort that comes with withdrawal.

Emotional supports and 24-hour monitoring are also provided for the duration of the program.

Address Underlying Emotional Issues

Once a person completes the detox stage, the next step in recovery entails addressing the psychological effects of hydrocodone addiction as well as the underlying emotional issues that drive drug-using behaviors.

Both residential and outpatient rehab centers employ psychosocial treatment interventions to help a person replace destructive addiction-based thinking with healthy coping skills for managing everyday life. Cognitive-based therapies are also used to help identify and work through underlying emotional issues while developing healthy relationship building skills.

Prescription Drug Addiction Rehab Programs

Behavioral Treatment

Compulsive drug-using behaviors leave a lasting imprint on a person’s psychological makeup, creating a lifestyle of its own. As compulsive drug use is the hallmark of addiction, rehab centers spend much of their time helping a person replace this pattern of behavior with habits and routines that support a drug-free lifestyle.

Interventions commonly used to accomplish these ends include:


As one of the more powerful opioid drugs, hydrocodone addiction can quickly tear apart a person’s life while further entrenching him or her in the addiction cycle along the way. Without needed rehab center treatment help, it’s all but impossible to overcome the debilitating effects of hydrocodone addiction on one’s own.

If you or someone you know are struggling with hydrocodone addiction and need help finding a rehab center program that meets your needs, please don’t hesitate to call our toll-free helpline at 888-646-0635Who Answers? to speak with one of our addictions specialists.

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