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The Importance of Treatment in Meth Addiction Recovery

According to the NIDA, “Long-term methamphetamine abuse has many negative consequences, including addiction.” Because the drug is so potent and its effects are so intense, recovery from methamphetamine addiction can take a very long time and be extremely precarious. This is why rehab is such an important part of meth addiction recovery.

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The Consequences of Methamphetamine Addiction

There are actually many consequences that are specific to the methamphetamine addiction syndrome. For example, “chronic abuse produces a psychosis similar to schizophrenia and is characterized by paranoia, picking at the skin, self-absorption, auditory and visual hallucinations, and sometimes episodes of violence” (CESAR). As a result, it can be dangerous to approach someone who is addicted to the drug without the proper training or necessary tools.

In addition, methamphetamine addiction can cause:

  • Many health effects such as
    • Cracked teeth
    • Sores and skin infections
    • High blood pressure
    • Damage to the brain
    • Weakened immune system
    • Kidney damage
    • Liver disease
    • Lung disease
    • Heart infection
  • “Prolonged anxiety, paranoia, insomnia”
  • Suicidal thoughts and depression
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • The potential for stroke or heart attack as a result of abusing high doses

Methamphetamine also causes an extremely intense addiction syndrome similar to that of cocaine and other stimulants. Cravings can often last for months and reappear suddenly years after the individual has stopped abusing the drug. For these reasons, people who have been abusing this drug for a prolonged amount of time will need to attend some sort of rehab program.

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Rehab for Methamphetamine Recovery

meth addiction treatment

Treatment will help you understand your addiction so that you can overcome it.

Rehab programs that exist for meth addiction recovery do not usually provide a wide variety of treatment methods but are still much more effective for the recovery of patients than if they were to try and quit on their own. According to the NIDA, “The most effective treatments for methamphetamine addiction at this point are behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral and contingency management interventions.” These may often include the Matrix Model, which has been found to be especially beneficial in the treatment of stimulant addicts.

In many ways, rehab is a necessary part of methamphetamine recovery. For example, the psychosis which is often caused by methamphetamine addiction can not only cause issues for the individual but for everyone around them. In rehab, a patient who is experiencing acute psychosis can receive 24-hour care and be given medications like antipsychotics to help treat their symptoms. If the syndrome is extremely harmful to the patient or dangerous for the clinicians, the individual may even need to be restrained.

After the psychosis and acute withdrawal symptoms begin to diminish, patients are able to receive therapeutic treatments which helps with

  • Minimizing overall psychological issues associated with methamphetamine abuse
  • Identifying and treating possible co-occurring mental disorders
  • Teaching patients ways to fight cravings as well as identify and avoid triggers
  • Identifying the level of brain damage caused by methamphetamine abuse and treating this issue

It is extremely difficult to recover both effectively and safely from methamphetamine addiction without attending a formal rehab program. Anyone who has been abusing the drug for more than a few months should take this step toward a better recovery. We can help you find treatment. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? toll free today.

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