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How Holistic Rehab Methods Help Your Recovery

holistic recovery

Tai chi is one of the potential holistic methods used in rehab.

The holistic approach to medicine ascribes to the philosophy that a patient should be treated as a whole, as opposed to a carrier of specific symptoms. Holistic methods are are often very helpful to people seeking rehabilitation from drug or other types of abuse. It is often a supplement to standard care, which the U.S. National Library of Medicine defines as “what medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, and allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice.” A rehab center with this approach has many methods for treating the patient’s wellbeing as a whole.

Holistic Treatment Options

According to a study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, here is a list of several holistic rehab methods that rehab centers use in addition to the traditional care, such as therapy and detox.

  • “Dance/movement therapy”
  • “Cultural awareness and appreciation”
  • Spiritual therapy
  • Tai Chi or yoga
  • Crafting and leisure skills
  • Therapy through art or music
  • Career-building services

Others may include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Hypnosis
  • Nutrition therapy
  • Meditation
  • Writing/journaling

Many of these treatments can be incredibly helpful to patients in rehabilitation centers. Different individuals respond to different methods, and according to Psychology Today, holistic approaches can be “an ‘in’ for helping someone” who might not have responded as strongly to traditional methods. They “attract certain people and keep them in treatment” when standard care may not. Of course, the two work together in order to help an individual with his or her recovery.

The Importance of Nature

Most rehab centers that practice holistic treatments are in a more natural environment, away from cities and more artificial settings. Often, they are built in environments with an incredible view of the seaside, mountains, woods, or another peaceful, natural sight. The Addiction Recovery Guide insists that “being in nature” is one of the most important parts of holistic treatment. “Finding a safe, serene and natural environment can refresh the soul.” Many holistic rehab facilities ascribe to this belief.

Alternative Methods for Returning Patients

Another incredibly important aspect of holistic rehab centers is that people who have found little or no success with traditional rehab centers or programs sometimes reach out to ones using holistic methods. While both are important, it can make all the difference to someone who has already been through a similar program before. The patient may or may not respond well to an art therapy course, yoga, or hiking, but these methods are all safe and not harmful. It is a very important option as a second chance for returning patients.

More often than not, a rehab center will provide patients with some kind of holistic therapy options. Depending on the facility, these options could be sparse and included in the patient’s therapy sessions, or they could be vast and all-encompassing, giving the patient many options to choose which approach most speaks to him or her. Holistic methods of rehabilitation are important to help a patient set goals, reexamine his or her life, and make sure that all aspects of the person are being treated. Many individuals consider holistic approaches to be just as important as standard care on their journey to recovery.

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