Various studies have been completed to determine how continuing care affects that chances of an addict maintaining recovery after drug rehab. In fact, studies show that those who complete continued care after the are discharged from a drug rehab center are more likely to maintain their sobriety and less likely to relapse, especially during the first year after treatment. So, what should you look for in a continuing care program?
Various types of counseling, therapy and support methods can be incorporated into a continuing care program to assure the recovering addict’s greatest chance of maintaining sobriety for the long term. Although 50% of addicts will relapse post rehab and many of those will return to drug rehab more than once before finally making a full recovery from addiction, the type of follow up or continuing care that you receive post drug rehab can make a significant difference in whether or not you stay sober after you complete drug rehab.
The continuing care that is received after drug rehab consists of individual counseling, group counseling, support structures and various other forms or ways of the counselor, drug rehab center and staff members following up to assure that you are on the right track, not suffering too much stress or having trouble staying sober once you have returned to your normal routines and daily life. When you are choosing a drug rehab center, it’s important to choose a program that will also offer you continued care for at least a period of 1 year following completion of the drug rehab program. For the best result and most beneficial support, look for continued care that lasts indefinitely – this assures that you will have the long term support that you need to stay well, stay sober and maintain your recovery.
Look for a structured aftercare program. This means that you and your counselor should work on developing an aftercare program long before you complete drug rehab. Once you have completed the rehab program and are out on your own, make sure that you are following up with your counselor regularly and you are doing everything that has been outlined in the aftercare program. It’s vital to the success of your recovery that you don’t overlook aftercare or forget about the support and services that are available to you post rehab.
For more information or for help finding a drug rehab center that includes a structured and individually tailored aftercare program, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? to speak with a Rehab Centers specialist today.
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