Rehab can help you overcome your marijuana addiction and get your life back on track.
Besides alcohol, marijuana exists as the most commonly abused drug among all age groups. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 29 million people reported using marijuana as of 2009. While legal restrictions surrounding marijuana use may be loosening, this drug does still carry addictive properties.
Anyone considering entering marijuana rehab has likely experienced the addictive effects of the drug. Nonstop drug cravings and loss of interest in otherwise important activities all point to the negative effects marijuana can have in a person’s life.
Marijuana rehab works with addicts where they’re at, whether it be long-time users or those at the early stages of use. Marijuana rehab helps a person work through the issues that drive ongoing drug use, while also providing treatment for any co-existing conditions or problems he or she may have.
The Need for Marijuana Rehab
People wanting to stop long-term marijuana use often run into a wall of withdrawal symptoms that quickly drives them back to the drug. According to the U. S. National Library of Medicine, on average, people admitted to marijuana rehab have been using for 10 years or more and have made multiple failed attempts at trying to stop using.
Withdrawal symptoms only develop in cases where a person has become physically dependent on the drug. Breaking this dependency is a necessary first step towards living a drug-free life. Without marijuana rehab, long-term marijuana users face an uphill battle when trying to get off the drug.
Talk Therapies
Compared to stronger, more aggressive drug addictions, a marijuana addiction may seem less serious. Drugs like cocaine and heroin attack brain and body functions, whereas marijuana more so affects the mind and the way a person thinks.
For these reasons, much of what a person will encounter in marijuana rehab will center around talk therapy treatment. Talk therapies take the form of:
Individual psychotherapy
Group therapy
Behavior-based therapy
Using talk therapies, marijuana rehab helps addicts undo the psychological effects of long-term marijuana use.
Treatment for Co-existing Conditions
Long-term drug use in any form places users at risk of developing other psychological disorders. Likewise, psychological disorders can also predispose a person to addictive behaviors.
In the case of marijuana addiction, rehab treatment addresses any pre-existing or co-existing disorders a person may have. Under these conditions, treating a co-existing condition becomes just as important as treating the addiction.
Much like the brain chemical imbalances caused by long-term marijuana use, psychological disorders result from chemical imbalances in the brain. When a psychological disorder is left untreated, a person will likely relapse soon after completing treatment.
Support Group Work
More oftentimes than not, recovering from a long-term marijuana addiction requires a person to remain engaged in the recovery process long after completing a marijuana rehab program. While in rehab, recovering addicts participate in 12-Step support group work on a consistent basis.
After completing rehab, ongoing 12-Step group attendance allows a person to remain engaged in the recovery process for the long-term. Through support group work, recovering addicts become part of a support network that offers guidance and encouragement along the way.
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