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10 things to avoid on Holiday furlough from Rehab

Some inpatient rehab facilities offer a holiday furlough to patients who are doing particularly well in their program. If you are on a holiday furlough, there are things that you need to avoid in order to prevent relapse and to keep your standing as a successful rehab patient.

1. Try to Avoid Stress

Although according to the Mayo Clinic, the holidays are a time of stress for some people and that stress is difficult to avoid, do your best to avoid situations that cause you undue stress such as negative people.

2. Stay Away from Friends that Use

If you are new to being sober, try to stay away from your friends that you know use drugs. Although you might want to see some of them, if you suspect they will jeopardize your recovery it is best to stay away.

3. Avoid Alienating those Who You Have Hurt

Appreciate the time you get with your loved ones.

Appreciate the time you get with your loved ones.

Remember that not everyone will be happy with you even though you are trying to recovery from drug use. Make a special effort to show your progress to the people whom you have harmed.

4. Parties where Drugs are Likely

Avoid holiday parties where drugs and alcohol are featured. Although alcohol is a holiday tradition, try to stay away from it if possible.

5. Clubs that are Conducive to Drug Use

Try to avoid clubbing in general. Although each club and bar is different, many contain a myriad of dealers and users. The temptation might be too much.

6. Family Members that Use Drugs

If your family members use drugs, attempt to avoid them. If they use drugs in the home you will be staying at during the furlough, you might want to reconsider the furlough.

7. Your Dealer

This one should be obvious but you also might want to avoid places where your dealer hangs out. If your dealer approaches you, know how to react. This can be something as simple as saying no thanks or if the dealer is pressuring you walk away. Remember that your dealer wants to sell you drugs, that is his goal. He is not your friend.

8. Places Where you Used to Use

Again this one seems obvious but there are some places that you are more likely to use than others. There are places that make using drugs easier such as crack houses, certain neighborhoods, private clubs, and other users homes.

9. People that will Cause Damage to your Self-esteem

If your cousin or a specific friend has a habit of making you feel bad by commenting on your weight or appearance, avoid them. It might not be polite but it will help you avoid backsliding.

10. Avoid Friends and Family Members that are Not supportive of your Recovery

This is probably one of the most important things to avoid. People that do not support your recovery are a negative influence on you. If you are simply furloughed for the holidays and not in complete recovery the things unsupportive people do and say can cause you to relapse.

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