Focusing on issues specific to men in rehab can help males recover from alcohol abuse on their own terms.
Alcohol addiction is a chronic disease that will continue to worsen over time if a person does not get help. Alcohol addiction will cause harm to a user’s physical health, such as the destruction of nerve cells and damage to a person’s organs, and it will also cause damage to their mental health, resulting in them experiencing changes of behavior.
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol and violence have been linked with one another. Violence is a behavior that causes physical harm, or attempts to cause physical harm. Scientists have found that there is a two-way association between alcohol consumption and aggressive violence or behavior. Furthermore, another link between violence and alcohol is that people who have had violent acts committed against them commonly turn to drinking to cope with the emotional pain, which can ultimately lead to more violence.
The overall effects of alcohol on men tend to be a bit different than the overall alcohol effects on women. When men become addicted to alcohol they tend to become more hostile and violent than women. Men also are more likely to commit criminal acts and engage in dangerous physical activities while they are under the influence of alcohol.
According to the Office of Substance Abuse Services, men dealing with an addiction are more likely to engage in sociopathic or criminal behavior. Furthermore, addicted men are more likely to rely on robbery, con games, and burglary to support their addiction and substance abuse.
If a man has developed an addiction to alcohol and has decided that they need help getting over their addiction, they may want to opt to go to an all man alcohol rehab. Having other men around to relate to the problems that stem from alcohol addiction can help men overcome their addictions better.
Ten Important Aspects of Alcohol Rehab for Men
All the men there will be going through the same struggles.
Less stigma.
An all man rehab is private.
It is a safe place to talk about problems.
Help will always be available when they need it.
Medical supervision will be provided so a safe detox will be ensured.
Men can relate to the other men in the rehab and more advice can be shared.
More encouragement between men.
No sexual distractions from the opposite sex.
Education and activities will be geared towards men’s likes.
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