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Special Considerations in Women’s Rehab

recovery from addiction

Womens rehab centers provide individualized and gender-specific care.

According to SAMHSA, there are a number of barriers that women tend to encounter in treatment. Some are unique to women while others are just generally more common for women. For instance, women suffer from a myriad of issues pertaining to their roles as mothers, caregivers and the foundation for a household. Often times, challenges such as these will interfere with a woman receiving adequate and appropriate treatment unless special considerations are made in women’s rehab.

Health Issues Related to Women Only

Rehab programs that cater to women are on the lookout and prepared to deal with women who suffer from unique health issues that only women can suffer from. Pregnancy is common in rehab for women and must also be properly dealt with. It’s important that women’s rehab programs are focused on providing adequate care for women and for their unborn children in the event that they are in recovery while pregnant.


Women’s rehab centers must be prepared to provide children with help and care too as many of the women coming into treatment still provide for their children and are the primary caregivers of such. Some programs will provide family housing or special considerations for women who have children in an effort to facilitate recovery regardless of the obstacles involved. Children should not be viewed as an obstacle to recovery but as an added support system that women can look forward to having around while they are doing their best to get, and to stay, sober.

Emotional Issues

Women are often stigmatized and not generally accepted as “allowed” to use drugs or alcohol the way that men generally are. As such, women often go under great scrutiny as a result of their decisions to use drugs or alcohol and many will later suffer detrimental issues emotionally as a result of the things that are said to them about their addiction. Often times, women receive extremely negative feedback even for their decision to get help for an addiction simply because they originally made a poor decision and fell victim to addiction.


Language and cultural barriers are common in treatment for both men and for women. The placement of women in rehab is an important consideration as these programs look to provide interference and obstacle free treatment. Women’s rehab programs must focus not only on provide a safe and secure environment in which women can feel safe and comfortable in recovery, but they should also focus on providing culturally appropriate programs that will adhere to the norms that these women are accustomed to.

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