Prescription Drug Addiction Amongst Veterans Rising
We need to take a stand for our veterans and stop prescription drug abuse!
Veterans form Vietnam, Desert Storm, Operation Freedom or one of the many other wars or fights that have recently been initiated from our country are finding themselves back at home and unable to cope with the trauma that was felt over seas. As a result, many veterans are turning to prescription medications as a way to cope with physical and psychological trauma and pain that is left behind long after the war, deployment or attacks are over.
Many veterans return home with physical impairments that result in doctors prescribing prescription drugs and still many others find themselves unable to cope with the psychological trauma that ensued as a result of fighting for the country. Some have post traumatic stress disorder while others suffer from depression, anxiety or one of many other conditions. As a result, many of the men and women who have fought for our country are now fighting a war of their own – against prescription drug addiction.
The number of veterans who return home injured is as high as nearly 50% of all those men and women who were originally deployed. Most of the men and women who get help for their injuries or for their psychological trauma are prescribed medications such as Percocet, Xanax, OxyContin or a range of other pain killers that are physically and psychologically addicting.
Prescription drug addiction among veterans has steadily been on the rise and as a result, drug rehab centers are seeing more and more veterans entering their facilities for a range of drug addictions to prescription drugs that are commonly used to treat pain or anxiety. Unfortunately, the rise in prescription drug addiction has also caused many veterans to begin searching for the prescriptions elsewhere (on the streets) when their tolerance builds to a point in which the prescribed medications are no longer enough to support the habit and produce the same effects.
Veterans who cannot get the Veteran’s Hospital or Clinic doctors to prescribe them higher doses or higher amounts of their prescription medications they often take other desperate measures to find the medications to support their habits. This may mean using illegal street drugs, doctor shopping, buying the prescription medications that are prescribed to other veterans or people on the streets, and even going across the border into Mexico to get the drugs.
Many veterans are choosing to use prescription medications as a way to avoid the psychological trauma and pain that arises as a result of the many vivid memories that remain. Prescription drug addiction and alcoholism are increasingly common problems for veterans who have served over seas. Fortunately, there is help for veterans. Drug rehab centers can provide treatment for prescription drug addiction and they can help veterans to overcome the painful and traumatic memories or physical trauma that has been experienced. If you or someone you know is addicted to prescription medications, contact a drug rehab center near you for help.
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