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Importance of Trust Building in Drug Rehab Centers

Trust building for patients in drug rehab centers is an important exercise; patients must learn to trust those around them in treatment (such as doctors, nurses, and therapists) as well as sometimes re-learning to trust their family and friends. In addition, patients must learn the importance of honesty so others can begin to trust them.

Trust Building Between Patient and Clinician

trust building

Trust building can do wonders for recovery.

Patients must be able to trust their clinicians in drug rehab centers or they will have difficulty benefiting from and staying in treatment. Adequate treatment length is absolutely necessary to a safe and effective recovery, and according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “within a treatment program, successful clinicians can establish a positive, therapeutic relationship with their patients” to help ensure patients stay for the necessary amount of time. Therefore, clinicians must work hard to build trust between themselves and their patients in order to deliver the best possible treatment and facilitate proper recoveries.

Trust Building Between Patient and Family Members

Family members can be a very important part of an individual’s time in drug rehab, giving patients the kind of support and love they need to stay motivated in their journey toward recovery. However, drug addiction can often cause a rift between family members, and the patient may have trouble trusting their loved ones again, especially if they were unhappy with the fact that they are now attending treatment.

Family therapy can be very helpful in this instance for bringing individuals back together and helping them relate to one another again in a way that is familiar and safe. Patients will be able to feel much safer when their meetings with family members are facilitated by a counselor, and everyone will be able to speak openly without fear of the conversation escalating into hostility.

Trust Building and Honesty Training for Patients

According to a study from the American Clinical and Climatological Association, “Lying is the inevitable reaction of drug addicts to the fact that the people who care about them want them to stop their use of addicting substances.” Addicts will often lie, steal, and do any number of things that can break the trust of their loved ones in order to continue abusing drugs. In addiction rehab, they must learn that this type of manipulation is unacceptable and that it hurts the ones they love. Instead, they must be retrained in the importance of honesty.

Addicts can come to understand, through behavioral therapy, the need for honesty and the fact that lying, even though it may have seemed like the only choice at the time, hasn’t improved their situation. Then, they can begin to understand that it will be possible for them to gain back the trust of their family members by being honest in all things. This is an incredibly necessary––and effective––part of drug rehab that allows patients to start living a better life right away.

Are You Looking for a Drug Rehab Center that Utilizes Trust Building Techniques and Exercises?

Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today and we will help you find a rehab center in your area where you or your loved one can attend treatment and learn about the benefits and importance of trust building and honesty.

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