Alcohol abuse rehab can teach you the skills needed to remain sober, helping you get your life back on track.
The simple explanation when asked, âIs my drinking a problem and should I seek alcohol rehab?â is that if your drinking is causing problems in your life and you continue to drink then you should consider seeking help. Unfortunately, thereâs more to deciding whether alcohol rehab is necessary than simply saying, âYes! Drinking has caused a problem so I must need rehab.â
Alcohol rehab is not necessary for everyone who has ever had a single problem in their life as a result of alcohol. In fact, the American Academy of Family Physicians estimates that out of the more than 50% of adults who drink alcohol, less than one quarter will become addicted. As such, even fewer people who drink will actually require alcohol rehab in order to get sober. Most of the time, drinking does not turn into an addiction and will require no real professional treatmentâhowever, for those who do become addicted, quitting can be challenging and professional help may become a necessity.
Signs of a Drinking Problem
If your drinking is causing problems in your life, with your relationships or your money, with your emotions or stability or anywhere for that matter, then you may need to rethink your actions. The following signs of a drinking problem should not be overlooked as they may be your initial cues to a bigger problemâalcohol addiction:
Drinking to relax or relieve stress on a regular basis
Neglecting responsibilities in order to consume alcohol
Neglecting responsibilities as a result of being under the influence of alcohol
Neglecting responsibilities because you were hung over
Legal problems such as DUI, public intoxication, disorder intoxication or other problems with the law resulting from alcohol
Drinking even after alcohol has caused turmoil in your relationship
Drinking and driving, drinking and drugging, drinking and having unprotected sex or otherwise engaging in risky behavior while under the influence of alcohol
Signs You Need Alcohol Rehab
Just because youâve had some trouble or suffered some consequences as a result of your drinking does not mean that you need treatment for alcohol addiction. Many people can quit drinking on their own without ever looking back even after they have had problems. However, if you show the following signs you should consider alcohol rehab your next step in the process of recovery:
Youâve tried to quit in the past and then you resort back to alcohol use
You have told your friends or family that you would quit and then you continue to drink
You have promised yourself to cut back or quit but you continue to drink
You feel sick or suffer from symptoms of alcohol withdrawal when you donât drink
You have been in repeat legal trouble as a result of your drinking but you continue to drink anyway
You have had repeat problems with your relationships but you drink anyway
You are sick as a result of alcohol (such as liver disease, kidney disease or other serious side effects) but you continue to drink
Alcohol rehab centers provide a safe environment for you to get your life straightened out so that you can live sober. If you suffer from any of these signs that your drinking is more than just a mild problem, consider seeking professional treatment today.
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