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3 Types of Counseling Commonly Found at Rehab Centers

Get the help you need with your addiction from rehab centers.

Get the help you need with your addiction from rehab centers.

When you enter rehab you will quickly learn that the foundation of all types of addiction treatment is based on counseling. Rehab centers use many different types of counseling to ensure the complete recovery of those suffering from addiction to drugs or alcohol. In most cases you will encounter some combination of the following three types of counseling in rehab: Group counseling, individual counseling, and family counseling.

Group Counseling in Rehab Centers

Group counseling and therapy makes up the majority of the treatment in rehab centers. During this type of counseling you will be guided by a trained addiction specialist who will work with you and other addicts who are also in recovery. This type of counseling is found to be most effective but does require that you actively participate in order to get the most out of the treatment that is being provided.

Group counseling may include relapse prevention techniques, delicate subjects that are directly related to just women or just men, and lots of education. During group counseling, members work together and support one another to help each other cope with the issues that arise during and post treatment. Most times you will feel scared or apprehensive when you first start to discuss your addiction with a group but in time you will learn that your group members are there to help you and to work with you. You will also learn that many of them suffer from similar problems and really can help.

Individual Counseling in Rehab Centers

Individual counseling sessions are your time to work one on one with a counselor or therapist to overcome sensitive issues that you have. Individual counseling sessions are private and you are protected by your patient rights when talking with your counselor so don’t be afraid to speak up and get the most out of your session. You may spend an hour once a week with a counselor or you may spend daily time depending on the program you are in as well as you individual needs.

Individual counseling at rehab centers can help you to structure a plan for your recovery. During rehab, your counselor will review your recovery goals and plans as time goes on and make sure that you are staying on the right track to meet your goals.

Family Counseling at Rehab Centers

Many rehab centers now provide family counseling in addition to the routine individual and family counseling services. Family counseling can help you to rebuild a bond with your family members while also providing them with a chance to learn about your addiction and recovery. Many different types of family counseling exist and sessions may or may not include the addict who is in recovery.

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