What Should I Say When I Visit My Friend in Rehab?
Visiting your friend, family member, or loved on in rehab is a wonderful way to show them you support their journey to recovery and their decision to find treatment for their addiction. Many people, though, aren’t sure what to talk about when they actually make the trip to the rehab center to see their friend. Here are some tips on what to say and how to say it while visiting your friend in rehab.
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Be Positive
You will want to try and be positive while talking to your friend in rehab. This is important because what they’re doing by seeking help and going through recovery is a good thing, and you will want to emphasize this. Remember to tell them this in order to reinforce the idea, but know your loved one may also be unhappy, irritable, or frustrated with many of the aspects of their recovery. This could be a symptom of their withdrawal syndrome, as “the type and length of withdrawal symptoms vary with the substance,” or just a general attitude due to being in treatment (The National Institute of Senior Health). Try to stay positive but avoid being overly fluffy.
Be Considerate
When you visit your friend, keep the conversation light and positive.
It is important to remember that being in the rehab center and away from everyone will likely be difficult for your friend. Therefore, it is important to be as considerate of their feelings as possible. They will likely have a lot they need to talk about so try to respect that desire. However, if they do not, make sure to say things yourself that are considerate of their situation and not solely based on your own needs.
You may want to bring pictures of others who weren’t able to come, if you think this may be beneficial to your friend. It is also important to be careful of which aspects of your own life you discuss. Before you say something, always try to think, “Will this be beneficial to my friend’s recovery?”
Don’t Bring Up Drug Abuse
Unless the other individual wants to talk about their drug abuse or their progress in treatment, it is better not to bring it up and to try and have a pleasant conversation. If they feel comfortable talking about how treatment is going, it can be beneficial to do so, but it is very important not to ask someone to talk about their recovery if they are unwilling to share that information with you.
Talking about these things can be beneficial but only if the person is comfortable with it. They may just want to see you and have a short period of time where they are not focused on their recovery. This can be helpful too, and by visiting them in treatment, you are still supporting their decision to get help.
Is Someone You Love Suffering from Drug or Alcohol Abuse?
If someone you care about is struggling with substance abuse and requires treatment in a rehab center, please call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today. We can help you find the right program for your loved one that will allow them to recover from their substance abuse and live a better, happier life.
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