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10 Lies that Addicts tell their Loved Ones

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, lying is a part of addiction. It is one of the key characteristics used to identify an addict from someone who is merely dependent on a drug such as prescription medication. Most addicts lie to themselves and they lie to their loved ones. These are some of their more common lies.

1. I can Quit Any Time I Want

This is a very common lie. Addicts say this sometimes to appease you and other times to make sure that you don’t discover their true issues with addiction. Unfortunately, addicts in denial often believe this lie themselves.

2. I am Not Addicted

Again, this is one of the more common lies that addicts tell themselves as well as those that they love. By stating they are not addicted, they reaffirm this to themselves. Most addicts need this lie to continue their delusions.

3. I Need the Drugs to Function

This is also a lie that addicts tell themselves as well as others. By stating that they need the drugs to function they are admitting their dependence which can be disarming. Unfortunately, this is also delusional thinking. The drugs are actually stopping them from functioning.

4. I only use the Drug Every Once in a While

Lies that Addicts tell

Many addicts will lie to their loved ones, and themselves, about having a problem.

Many addicts will understate their use by saying that they only use sometimes or every once in a while. This may or may not be true but if they are addicted their usage will gradually increase as their tolerance to the drug does.

5. Everyone Else is Doing It

This sounds more like a high school lie than something an adult would say but addicts often use this phrase to excuse their behavior. This is particularly true during a relapse.

6. I can Handle the Drug

Stating that they can handle the drug is also a way that addicts keep up their delusions of not needing treatment or help. They will tell people that they can handle it even if they know they cannot.

7. I Do Not Have a Problem

Stating that they do not have a problem is a very clear indicator that they might have a serious problem. This statement is often used by addicts to disarm those around them or to get them to believe that there really isn’t a problem.

8. It is Medication

This lie is usually told when someone is addicted to prescription medication. They fall back on this lie to make sure that you remember that a doctor prescribed the medication. Even prescription medication is addictive.

Drug Addiction, Denial and You

9. I Don’t Need Treatment

Many addicts will blatantly state that they do not need help or treatment. Fortunately, they usually say this when they really desperately need treatment and cannot quit on their own.

10. I Can’t Afford Treatment

Stating that they cannot afford treatment is just another way to get out of seeking it. Through insurance companies and government programs treatment is affordable for everyone. For an affordable treatment program call us at 888-646-0635Who Answers?.

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