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5 Major Challenges in Alcohol Rehab

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One of the challenges in alcohol abuse recovery is dealing with the psychological after-effects of alcohol abuse such as anxiety and cravings.

Alcohol addiction is a chronic disease that can creep up on a person and end up destroying their life if they do not get help. Alcohol addiction will cause a person to have uncontrollable urges to abuse alcohol, and every time a person abuses alcohol they cause damage to their body.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, even after a couple drinks alcohol can cause memory loss. The more alcohol a person consumes the stronger their memory loss will become. In addition, large amounts of alcohol consumed on an empty stomach or consumed too quickly can cause a person to blackout, or have an interval of time that they cannot remember.

Alcohol abuse is a common activity that people in America partake in, and underage drinking is also extremely common. Since alcohol is legal it can be easily purchased and consumed, but if a person continues to abuse alcohol their brain and body will begin to crave the drug and they may become dependent on alcohol to function. Once a person becomes addicted to alcohol they will form a habit of constantly being intoxicated, and this can affect their behavior and their mentality in negative ways. Long term alcohol abuse will also lead to numerous health problems.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, when a person abuses alcohol for long periods of time they have a higher chance of developing heart problems, cancer, and causing permanent damage to their liver. Furthermore, short term alcohol abuse is dangerous as well. Short term alcohol abuse will impair a person’s brain communication pathways and will affect the overall functioning of a user’s brain.

5 Major Challenges in Alcohol Rehab

When a person decides to stop drinking, whether voluntarily or by force, they will undergo 5 main challenges through alcohol rehab.

The first challenge will be getting through the physical withdrawals. An avid drinker of alcohol can have painful withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking and these withdrawals will requires medical supervision and may require a person to take medication.

The second challenge is sleep. Most people who quit drinking have an extremely difficult time sleeping, and this can lead many people to start drinking again if they do not overcome this challenge.

The third challenge is being active with therapy. Many people do not like therapy, but addiction is a brain disease and in order for a person to stay sober they must deal with any emotional problems they have, and they must deal with the psychological withdrawals from quitting drinking.

The fourth challenge is getting through the anxiety, mood swings, and strong alcohol cravings that may be persistent for the first month after a person stops drinking.

The last challenge is learning to stay away from alcohol once a person leaves the rehab. Most people do not understand the difficulty of staying away once they are no longer in a rehab program.

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