It is a step by step process when you are heading back to work after drug rehab.
Many who are addicted to drugs tend to be functioning addicts who still hold a job and work each day. Far more are actually out of work and have lost sight of the importance of holding a day to day career. Regardless of whether you continue to work while you are addicted to drugs or you had stopped working many months before, returning to work post drug rehab can be difficult and challenging for a recovering addict.
It’s important to have a steady job after drug rehab because this gives you some structure in life and maintains your sense of purpose after you are out of drug rehab. You can spend time at work and not think about the other stresses or things you could be doing – like using drugs. Work can occupy your time to some degree and it’s beneficial at helping you to maintain your sobriety.
But how do you return to work as a recovering addict? In a society that places a stigma on those who suffer from addiction, the difficulties of returning back to work can be overbearing.
Going Back to Your Old Job After Drug Rehab
If you plan on going back to your old job after drug rehab, you’ll have to address the reasons why you have been out of work. Your boss may already know that you have been in drug rehab so this may not be so hard. For your co-workers, it will be up to you to decide if you let them know the reasons for your absence. Some may have attitudes or other things to say about your addiction but keep in mind that you are now in recovery and what they say cannot hurt you.
Remember that the addiction related attitudes and problems that you may have had previously with your work productivity or production are now gone – just like your addiction. Drug rehab has taught you how to be a functioning individual who is in recovery from addiction. You are free to work at your job and show your coworkers that you are back and ready to take action, be a productive employee and co-worker.
Heading to a New Job Post Drug Rehab
If you didn’t have a job when you went into rehab or you lost your job because you were in drug rehab, it’s time to find a new job. This can be difficult, especially in a tough economy or if you got into trouble while you were on drugs and racked up some charges on your criminal record. When you have to find a new job, consider the skills you have and where you can get back into the work field. You can also work with a career counselor to get back on track.
When it comes time for an interview, you don’t have to talk about your previous addiction openly and you don’t necessarily have to tell the interviewer that you are fresh out of drug rehab. Focus on your skill sets and the fact that you are now in recovery and ready to give work your all. Often times, your drug rehab center can connect you with a career counselor or solution center that can help you find work even fresh out of drug rehab.
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