5 Reasons Why Residential Alcohol Rehab is Right for You
Residential rehab centers provide recovering alcoholics with a safe, temptation-free environment in which to learn how to be alcohol-free.
Alcohol addiction can ruin a person’s life in various ways; battling alcohol addiction can be stressful to the user and to those around him. Residential rehab may be the best option for a person to learn to manage their addiction, and there are five reasons why they should choose inpatient alcohol rehab.
About Alcohol Addiction
According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, alcohol is the most abused addictive drug in America. There are approximately 17.8 million people who are dependent on alcohol. Moreover, in addition to the 17.8 million people, several more million engage in dangerous drinking habits.
Because alcohol is legal there are more people who abuse it than illicit drugs, however alcohol is just as dangerous, if not more. Every time a person drinks to the point of intoxication they are causing harm to their body. Furthermore, when a person drinks too much alcohol they are more likely to engage in dangerous situations due to the drug’s effect of impairing a person’s judgment.
Alcohol related incidents are the third leading cause of death in America, this is mostly due to people making poor decisions while they are intoxicated. If a person continues to abuse alcohol, they will develop a dependency to the drug, and this will cause them to continually abuse alcohol because their body will go through withdrawal symptoms every time alcohol is not present in it.
Alcohol detox and addiction can be a very difficult for a person to overcome on their own, which is why many people get help from alcohol addiction programs. The most effective alcohol addiction program is residential alcohol rehab.
5 Reasons to Choose Residential Alcohol Rehab
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction treatment must help a person stop using drugs and also help them maintain a drug free life. To be effective addiction treatment programs typically have to incorporate various factors in their program, each directed to a particular aspect of the disease and its consequences, and they must also help a person achieve productive functioning in their family, in society and in their work.
Alcohol addiction rehab will require a person to live at the facility while they are in the program, and while they are there, they will learn to manage their alcohol addiction. Below is a list of five reasons why a person should choose residential alcohol rehab…
They will always have help if they need it. Staff is available 24/7 at a residential alcohol rehab.
They will go through detox while being supervised by medical professionals. A person will have the peace of mind to know they are in safe hands.
They will receive medical and psychological help. Both are needed to help a person manage their addiction.
They will have the proper nutrition provided to them through the rehab.
They will not have any access to alcohol while in the program, so they will have to detox and learn to live a life free from alcohol.
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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there is an addiction severity index. This index was first developed in 1980. In today’s world of addiction and addiction recovery, doctors sometimes have a difficult time deciding whether to put a patient on medications that are potentially addictive. Since the recent legislation penalizing doctors for prescribing….
Alcohol abuse has a way of progressing along, all on its own, gradually diminishing a person’s ability to control his or her intake. Before long, excess drinking brings on blackout episodes that increase in frequency and duration over time. The holiday season in particular offers any number of opportunities to engage in drinking behaviors, allowing….
Are you interested in checking into an alcohol treatment center? If your addiction has become too much for you to handle and you are ready to make the necessary changes, there is no better time to take the first step. While some people opt to attend alcohol rehab far away from home, others realize the….
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